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Copyright © Narcyreads 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.
However pictured added in the book are all from Pinterest.

"Hello, lovely readers! I'm thrilled to share that I'm embarking on an exciting journey as a first-time author, and I couldn't be more excited to invite you along for the ride. My debut book 'Veils Of Secrets 'is a labor of love, crafted with passion and dedication. It's a story that I poured my heart and soul into, and I can't wait for you to dive into its pages.

In this, you'll find romantic suspense, psychological thriller, hidden agendas,cold revenge. It's a tale filled with psychopathic revenge takers and crazy lunatic lovers.


Whether you're a seasoned bookworm or new to the world of reading, I believe there's something special waiting for you within these pages. So grab a cozy spot, a warm drink, and get ready to lose yourself in the magic of storytelling.

Thank you for joining me on this adventure. I hope my words will captivate your imagination and leave you eager for more. Happy reading!"

Feel free to tailor this message to fit your style and the tone of your book. Good luck with your writing journey!

Veils of secrets Where stories live. Discover now