63. Pain

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Worrying about the leak of the relationship and subsequent problems that it could bring with her past was only natural for them.

Yet, it seemed like Yuzuru knew something that she didn't because he didn't seem half as concerned as she was. Even as she told her parents and they took their sweet time understanding it all, he already seemed to have moved on from the problem.

Whatever it was, she wouldn't know.

The truth was that his lack of concern had been notably alright because nothing every leaked in the months that followed. Whatever he had done, or whatever he had thought to work, had really been more than enough for everything to be quiet and peaceful.

Still, as months went by, she couldn't help but worry that they would take this one particular thing and try to hit him when he needed focus, aka, the Olympics.

Going back to Canada was only natural after Yuzuru was all done with the summer shows and just as he started his training again, Aria also started a new job at a local Pharmacy. Slowly, but surely, their lives settled into a normal rhythm.

And Yes, they still spent most nights in either of each other's homes, more often than not, Aria's just to avoid Yumi's presence.

Aria still did wonder what his mother actually knew because even if she never felt judgment by the woman, it was easy to notice the looks that she sometimes received.

On a night that they stayed at Yuzu's, while cuddled in bed, she couldn't help but ask him about it when the topic had bothered her for the whole week.

"Yuzu... did you tell your mom something?"

"About what?"

"You know... my previous life."

When those words left her, his expression was more than enough to know.

"She... She has known for a long time."

Suddenly it all made sense. His lack of concern whenever Aria mentioned the possibility of his family knowing, the clear fact that he never seemed too concerned about what she could overhear...

"What? Since when?"

"I... I told her after I was sick and you came to help. I knew you were very afraid about her knowing and I didn't want you to feel pressured by it so I figured it was better not to tell you."

"You're saying that she has known this whole time?"


"And... she doesn't... I mean... is she ok with it?"

Yuzuru pecked her cheek and gave her a handsome smile that she loved right away. It was easy to tell that he was just trying to calm her current stressed state after he caused it.

"She said that you can't control who you used to be, but you can always control your future. I don't think she ever judged you."

Hearing that was for sure relieving. Even if the whole situation was still very odd to her. Yuzu had this confidence about the situation that she could have never achieved.

"Are you sure that Julia won't go to the media?"

"I think Julia realized that she had more to lose than to earn."

"Did you do something?"

"Me? I didn't do anything."

Aria knew him well enough. The hint of mischief in his face told her that maybe he hadn't been the one organizing whatever happened, but he knew about it. There was no way that the other girl simply dropped the matter without a single fight.

"What I don't know?"

"Just believe me that it's all ok."

"I just worry about the Olympics. I don't want anyone trying to gain advantage from our closeness."

"Beautiful... it takes a lot more to bring me down. Don't worry about me. I can handle them just fine."

Well, the truth was that Yuzuru was right.

None of the whole matter would end up being a problem as the Olympics quickly approached.

No, the problem was something else entirely.

Aria didn't know a single thing about Figure Skating but what she did know was that he looked better every day.

It wasn't often that she had the chance to watch his graceful performances in front of her eyes but whenever there was a possibility to watch a practice session, she had been there, watching in fascination as he seemed to improve in each session.

Yuzuru was confident and you could see why. He was the current World Champion after a record-breaking Free Skate and he was more than comfortable with the programs he had planned for the Olympic journey.

In the end, the one thing that seemed to be his doom was what every athlete feared.


The damned Lutz that he had been insisting upon to be in the max shape for the big goal of the next year turned out to be his doom. In one of the practices of the NHK Trophy in his home country, an awkward fall in the dreaded Quad brought doom to his dreams.

His right ankle suffered ligament damage so severe that it threatened the big competition that was taking place in less than 3 months.

The event was just proof that no matter how much you worried about certain things, life would come and turn everything in the other direction. It didn't matter how much you planned or how much you thought to be prepared.

And now? Now he would need Aria more than he could ever think. It was in these moments that you could understand the value of those you love and care about you. 

One thing was certain, he didn't plan on disappointing a single fan, but he certainly knew that he couldn't disappoint her.

Yuzu promised her then: "I'm going to win that medal, no matter the cost."

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