Chapter 23

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Barristan POV

As the royal bastards grow a raven arrives. He had read the letter over and over again its message had burnt in to his brain.


The Nights Watch was right the dead walk and they are coming for us all. We need more support as there are thousands of them and everyday less of us.

I hope my boys are well. They have not been far from my mind. If Jon does not return I want you to legitimise Tyrion as a Goldstark and Steffon a Baratheon if I do not return. Please take care of my babes.


Queen of the Seven Kingdoms Lyarra Baratheon

The Others were back and in numbers if she was correct. He sends for the sword and for the Pyromancer to be brought to him. It had been a very long time since he had been in the company of pyromancer. It was back when the dragons ruled.

He remembers Aerys and his obsession with Wildfire. He started the Rebellion just as much as Rheagar did. He thinks back to Lyanna Stark, Elia Martell and all of her lost babes. It takes a while for the Pyromancer to get to him as thinks of all the people lost to the rebellion. Rickard and Brandon were the first to be cruelly slaughtered but they were not the last.


He and his men had rested in Castle Black for a week after they had arrived. They had passed the Tully forces as they moved through the Wall. The stones walls of the keep had sheltered them as the remainder of the Nights Watch gathered what little forces it could.

With Ghost silently at his side and Longclaw hanging on his hip proudly as he mounts his horse ready to return to the cold north. He wants to begin the trek as soon as they are all horsed and ready to travel. Jon takes a deep breath of the cold air.

"Lets go." He calls out as they sit on their horses. Twenty five men will barely do anything against the force of the Others. He lets his mind wander to Arya, Bran, Rickon, Sansa and Robb. The boy he had played with and loved with all his heart was dead and gone down in the Crypts with all the other Starks.

He thinks of the lion on his chest, his little golden wifes sigil. The Stark Bastard and The Lannister Bastard how the songs will sing of us. Myrcella will marry again and have children if he dies here. Jon cannot allow that to happen.

Lyarra POV

The Others had been attacking then with all their force. Lyarra had nearly been lost when a pale skinned, blue eyed terrifying creature lunged itself forward with a pale a sword in its hand. Eddard had pulled her back out of its reach then put his Ice through its back.

It splinters and bursts into soft shards of ice. "You have my thanks." She said as another fire was lit and wooden torches were thrown at them. They caught alight quickly and their screeches filled the air.

Eddard stands infront of her in his armour, looking down at her. "We are not going to get through the Winter here. We should pull back to the Wall." She turns from him. "No. We have to stop them. Aye, winter is coming, we will endure it we hold the ground here they do not." "They have greater numbers than us." "It matters not we have fire."

His face is pale and sullen with sadness etched across his face. "It matters not." "I know you want to go back to your children but we must fight here or we may lose and everyone will die." He misses and worries for them. Edmure Tully had broken the news of Catelyns death to him. It had almost destroyed him.

"Your ancestors fought, died and won here. We will do the same as they." He puts his mailed hand on her cheek. "You are exactly how your mother was." She smiles and remembers Jon is her half brother. "Is Jon like her?" His face drops. "He... he told you then."

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