Chapter 9

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Lyarra POV

Eddard had ordered his men to travel to the south. Lyarra had gone with them, she mounted her horse clad in her silver armour, her direwolf Night had never left her since the battle. Robb and Jeyne Stark stayed at the Dreadfort whilst Eddard and his lords left for the south. They reached the neck within two weeks.

Eager to see her twin she wanted to press ahead but she knew her horse would die way before she reached the army at Lannisport. The futher south they traveled the more excited she became. Eddard and his lords ride ahead of her, she rides besides Jon who is forced to ride with the rest of the men.

"Doesn't it bother you?" "What?" "Robb and Jeyne." "No why should it?" "Because you love him." "I don't anymore. You see Jon, love destroys all people that feel it." Silence falls upon them both. "You think that Lady Catelyn will let you see any of her children after this war. No. You're nothing to her and you never will be."

The bastard boys face darkens. "You think your husband will let you swing a sword once he has bedded you. Lay down that sword like a proper lady and go home. Your duty is to give your husband heirs, mine will be to protect the realm on the wall." Lyarra looks at him.

"You think you will find honour at the wall." She laughs so loud the other men turn to look at her. "The wall is served by rapers, thieves and murderers. There is no honour to be found there, boy." She spits the word as if it's venom upon her lips. She gallops past the men to Eddard.

Tywin POV

Silence echoes through his scolar as he looks upon his map of Westeros. Kevan will preserve the family name. He will carry it on. Alone with his thoughts he walks to the door. The imp will never get his hands upon this rock. Walking to the Maesters tower he thinks long and hard about the final son his lovely Joanna bore. "My lord. What do you require of me?" He steps inside. "Make me a fast acting poison." The Maester looks at him concerned for a moment. He turns around to begin mixing tonics together "I suggest The Strangler. Very potent, dangerous and fast." He hands it to him.

"Tywin I know not of who this for but I know it's not for you. Who is it for my lord?" The maesters eyes meet Tywins. "Tyrion. I will not stand aside as he is handed Casterly Rock." Shock washes over the Maesters face. "But my lord the kinslayer is accursed." "Aye but that does not matter as no one needs to know this is what he died of. You will tell everyone he died in his sleep. His body will be taken to be buried with the small folk." With that he left the stunned maester alone.

Oberyn POV

News of the Stark boys marriage reaches him with ease as he sits in his tent. Arianne will be disappointed. She had agreed to the marriage as much as the boy had. But now that mattered not. The newly crowned king arrives at his tent. "Prince Oberyn, I believe you will soon have your vengeance. The Lannisters are gathering their forces."

"Finally. Your Grace, I believe we are still owed a marriage. My niece will be devastated that the wolf took another to wife." He looks at the the king. "I will wed her then." The Baratheon boy looks at him determined. "Your niece will be my queen. We will speak more of it after this war is won." The king limps out of the tent. Oberyn smiles to himself.

Eddard POV

They approach the army from the rear. Jon Arryn greets them, they dismount and enter the tents. Most of the northern men go to feast but the high lords go to their own personal tents. Eddard, Lyarra and Jon Snow stand before Lord Arryn, "Your Grace your brother would like to see you." "Thank you my lord."

She turns to the bastard boy. "Can you please escort me Jon?" His grey eyes looked at her and he nods. They walk away talking to eachother. "She is a good fighter. She saved Robbs life, if not for her Roose Bolton would have stabbed my boy in the chest." A smile appears upon the old lords lips.

"She would have made Robert proud, they both would. Ned now that Torrhen is king, the future is uncertain as to how he will rule." Eddard begins to walk to the tent with the Stark banner above it. "Torrhen is here?" "Yes and he wants to take Tywins head himself." "He truly is Roberts son." A smile found its way to his face. "When will we fight?" "On the morrow. So sleep well Ned."

That he wouldn't do. War has never been anything to enjoy. War was something that everyone must try to avoid at all costs. "Gods be good." He said as he lay down upon his cot to sleep.

He wakes at first light and breaks his fast on left over food. Among others his bastard was eating silently looking at the high lords from where he was seated with the men. Eddard ate as little as he could stomach and left to find the absent king. Walking past the guards he came upon a sight all too familiar. Torrhen lay abed with a young woman. "Your Grace."

His eyes open and he climbs out of bed. "My lord uncle. I seem to have slept in." He says with a warm smile. Torrhen turns around and begins to pull his breeches Ned sees his leg. The veins were swollen around the cut. "Torrhen your leg!" He walks to the guards outside and tells them to find a maester.

They run off and Ned wakes the girl, sending her on her way. "Eddard 'tis a cut nothing more. Do not worry it'll heal." "No corruption has set in." A maester arrives, a small weaselly man examins the cut. "I'll leech it now but I fear the leg must be taken." The boys face pales. "But they said it would heal properly!!!" He roars. His sister runs in dressed in breeches and a tunic. "Brother what has happened?" She sees his leg and runs to his side. "Oh brother you stupid oaf." She holds his hand as leeches are put upon his leg.

The Young Stag was furious to be stopped from fighting in the battle. His sister Lyarra dons her armour and leads 2,000 northern men to the south. She sits atop of her horse looking like a true king. The men follow her as she surrounds the Lannister host from the south.

Ned leads 2,000 northen men, Jon Arryn and the rest lead the rest of the men. The Lannisters would never stand a chance and the realm knew it. Tywin had brought sellswords over from the east but even that did not compare to their own forces. As all the men stand upon the battle field waiting to fight the Lannisters army march to meet them. The horns sounds loudly and it begin.

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