Chapter 3

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Eddard POV

Standing at the main table, Eddard spoke loudly "I have received news from the South today. We must go to war against the Lannisters." The staff gasped and wondered why war has been demanded. "The queen has commited high treason against the king. We must defend his honor and house. Torrhen is his only true born son. The ravens have been sent and we must prepare." As he sat he noticed the room was silent and people were wide eyed.

Lyarra stood from her seat revealing her gold and black dress to the room. "My lord, my lady I have seen with mine own eyes the queens treason and we must bring House Lannister to its knees just as they did to the Targaryens." Eddard found himself thinking of the children wrapped in Lannister colours the two year old girl had reportedly tried to fight back but the babe had had no chance when the Mountain turned on him. The Dornish princess was then raped and killed along with her children. He needed to offer revenge to Doran Martell, surely he would want the heads of Twyin and Gregor Clagane. He excused himself from the feast and went to find the Maester to send a raven to Dorne.

Catelyn POV

She was no stranger to waving her husband off to war but she knew Robb would go as well that almost destroyed her. She sat in the sept infront of the Warrior. She prayed for her husband and son to be safe when they are off warring Lannisters. For the first time in a week Torrhen Baratheon walked solemnly in to the sept and knelt infront of the Mother.

She thought of all the times she had sat infront of the Mother praying for Neds safety as he fought in the war. She stood up and walks to him after a minute of standing "I'm sorry to interrupt your prayers Your Grace. Were you aware of what your sister came here to start?" "No she told me we were coming here to meet you all. She said we had to know our enemies and friends. I apologise for what she started here." Catelyn looked in to his blue eyes.

"What do the Queens children look like?" "The Queen and her brother. All three of them look like them." "If I may ask where is your sister?" "The Godswood. Hers are the old gods." "She is truly Northern. Would you excuse me Your Grace." She begins to walk to the Godswood she passes Bran learning to fight Jon in the yard, Arya running away from the Septa, Rickon running around with Shaggydog. She couldn't find Robb anywhere. Hearing voices from the Godswood she stopped to listen. "My father would surely agree to us marrying." A blunt no was said loudly. "Please marry me. Let me make you a Stark."

Robb she realised he wants to marry her Ned must be told. She turns quickly and walks to Neds scolar. Knocking on the door politely knowing how troubled his mind must be she opens the oak door. Eddard stands alone looking worn out. "My lord I must speak to you." He looks at her and nods for her to speak. "Robb wants to marry Princess Lyarra. I think it is wise for us to join houses again." He sighed loudly "She must have a choice Cat. I shall talk to her before I leave."

She realised that he had made preperations to ride south to join forces with Hoster Tully, Renly Baratheon, Stannis Baratheon and Oberyn Martell. "Why go to war over the words of a girl?" "Jon Arryn sent her with a letter saying "The seed is strong." We will fight the Lannisters for dishonoring Robert. Now please my lady I need to be alone but I would love to see you tonight." She smiled slightly "Of course my lord I will wait for you in my chambers." She turned and walked away swiftly. To bathe and wait for Ned to make his visit.

Robb POV

The morning comes with a bite to the air, a mist had set on and blocked the view of the banners that move in the wind. Robb wonders about the girl who had taken his heart and then denied his love. His father had told him she looks like Lyanna but with a few different features. He saw Jons direwolf Ghost padding alongside him as he helped the staff bring in Flint, Glover, Manderly and Karstark men to be seated in the keep to break their fast. He dressed in white and grey the Stark colours as he wondered what Lyarra would wear, a dress or breeches and tunic.

He left his room and walked down the stone steps when he saw her, his breath left him for a moment she was wearing a dress with the Stark colours, it was tight around her breasts enhancing them futher than needed it showed her slim waist and her hips. Her hair hung loose against her back. He wanted to rip it off and take her to wife and to bed. "You look beautiful Your Grace." He says as politely as possible she turns to look him in the eyes. "Robb this dress is your mothers, my only dress needed to be cleaned. I thought I should look the part of a princess for your bannermen. They are going to war for my house after all."

He smiles slightly "You look the way I was expecting you to when we first met only in the wrong colours. My I escort you to the keep?" "Of course and mabye I should wear these colours more often my lord." After a pause she spoke again. "I have not seen the flayed man banner yet, have you?" He thought for a moment and realised he hadn't. "Maybe the raven was lost. Roose Bolton will soon be on his way."

She smiled slightly "Is it true the man on their banner was a Stark? That they skinned him and wore it as a cloak?" He had no reply for that. So silence befell them. They aproach the open oak door to the keep he breaks the silence "It is just a rumor Lady Lyarra. No one knows that to be certain." They walked inside and sit at the high table."

He looks to his side to see Torrhen sat beside Sansa, her blushing at him. He thought back to Lyarras words is she implying the Boltons of the Dread fort are not to be trusted? He pushes those doubts away. Robb takes his seat next to his father he thought of how different the two must look and would anyone ever say he wasn't his fathers. There would never be any doubt that Jon wasn't his fathers. They look exactly the same he should be sat at fathers side. But he wasn't he was outside tending to horses.

The room quickly filled with the men he would rule over. Once all the men had settled in their seats Eddard stood tall "My lords I have called the banners on the Lannisters." A few men called out for the Kingslayers head but Eddard raised his hand and silence fell upon all the men out of fear or respect Robb could not tell. "The queen has given the king, lions dressed as stags, we must rise and defend our kings honour."

He allowed the men to think for minute. "We will be going to the Riverlands where we will be joined by the Baratheons of Storms End, the Arryns of the Eyrie, the Martells of Dorne and the Tullys of Riverrun. May the gods bless us all." He sat in the direwolf throne that the kings of winter had ruled from. As the servants brought the dishes in Robb thought about Jon. He will find honor defending me and father.

The men laughed and ate as the feast went on, a hunt was organised for the high lords, Eddard spoke to Robb quietly "I know you are young son but you may be required to marry for us this war. Are you ready?" Robb looked at his fathers solemn face and answered "I am prepared to marry father and ready for war." "Son you should never be ready for war. But we must be prepared for it." Robb looked at him and nodded. Robb stood and excused himself to his family and guests.

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