The Note From A Stranger

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Chapter 3

I always perceived myself to have a pessimistic view of life. Perhaps it was because of how I was brought up or simply because I've seen too much shit in life and have become quite accustomed to seeing life through dark lenses. Maybe if I had a different upbringing, I would have been different -- more trusting -- but that wasn't the case. I've learned to always believe the worst will happen so that I wouldn't be left heartbroken.

When Rose walked out of her bedroom Friday morning and informed me of her boyfriend's return to New York City, I immediately prepared for the worst because I am simply programmed to react on instinct.

I couldn't help but worry. What if said boyfriend didn't want me living in the apartment he was paying for? What if he didn't want me to stay with her? Hell, that would be understandable. After all, he probably wanted them to be alone and have some privacy like it had always been before I showed up.

Then, where would I go? I had only been in New York for one week; I didn't know anybody I could crash with. Maybe at a hotel? I didn't have any money. I was ultimately broke.

While I was trying to figure out my limited options, I asked Rose if she could loan me some money so I could rent a hotel room. Then, I heard Rose bust out laughing, which surprised me. Here I was, trying to find a solution to my little problem, and instead of helping me out, she was laughing. I frowned.

"Something's funny?"

She smiled and pointed to me with the teaspoon she had. "It's funny that you think boo is staying here," she answered before walking out of the kitchen and sitting across the table. "Mr. Boo will get a hotel room like he always does." She added with a wave of her hand.

I felt relieved the second the words came out of her mouth. I really didn't know what I would've done if her rich boyfriend were to stay at her place. It was as if a weight was just lifted off my shoulders. I let out a calming breath and went back to my breakfast.

"Actually, I was telling you because he's taking me to a gala tonight, and I wondered if you wanted to come with me?" She looked up from her plate; her omelet looked very appetizing.

There was so much I needed to learn about life in general, but one of the things I knew for sure was that you just didn't invite someone else to your date. I made sure to tell her that.

"It's not really a date, date. I mean it's this formal thing he likes to take me to. I just look pretty standing there while he talks to some business partners or something," she explained. "I'm usually bored out of my mind while there. It would be great if you could come with me. We can entertain each other." She was making a pleading puppy face I could not say no to. I smiled at her, shaking my head.

"But I don't have anything formal to wear." I told her.

"Oh, don't worry! I don't mind going to those events much because of the shopping money. He always gives me money to get the perfect dress." she said, then proceeded as I got up with my empty bowl, which I placed in the sink. "He called me before I even walked out of my bedroom to tell me he had already deposited money in my account."

Must be nice, I thought to myself, to have someone who does these things for you. Really nice things.

The idea of not worrying about the financial aspect of life was very appealing. And also, it never hurt that he was handsome.

Rose showed me Will's picture one night while we lay in her bed and told stories of our lives after she left. She said it hadn't been easy for her initially, and it wasn't until she met William randomly -- when they literally ran into each other while he was coming out of the restaurant and heading home after work -- that her luck had turned. Before then, Rose was barely getting by. She was sleeping on people's couches because it was all she could afford with the minimum wage paycheck at her part-time job. He had been her saving grace.

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