Vengeful Actions

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     Chapter 46

Charlotte's POV    

                "I don't understand Charlotte, I thought you wanted to keep the baby." Rose said while she stared at me, probably trying to have an open mind and understand my logic behind what I had just told her.

I shrugged and tried to be as nonchalant as possible, making sure I wasn't making eye contact with her, she had the tendency of seeing beyond the surface, way past the superficial. To dig deeper within your soul. "I never said I was going to keep it in the first place, I was just going with the flow to see what would happen."

She frowned. "And now what? All of the sudden you decided you didn't want the baby?"

"I don't want anything to do with Darcy and having this baby will definitely put me on his radar. I'm just tired of his sh!t and the way he always ends up messing up and hurting me in the process. I don't want anything to do with him. I'm just done." I answered as I forced the tears not to fall. I was done crying for him and because of him.

"Fuck Darcy, this is your child too." She said as her hand came to rest on mine before giving it a little squeeze.

"I know and that's why I'm making the decision to do this. I'm not ready for a child, especially not in those conditions." My voice broke, her face softened.

"Oh Char, sweetie..." She started as she chased away a single tear that fell on my left cheek with her finger.

"What do you think is going to happen once it's born?" I asked, not wanting to think about the fact that I had a child growing inside of me by the minute. I wasn't going to admit it to Rose but this decision was hands down the hardest decision I had to make but I knew that it was the best one for me at the moment.

"You know Darcy would want to be in the child's life which would result in me having to deal with him and I just can't do it. He broke me Rosie, he took everything I had in me, all the fight and I'm just so weak I can't fight anymore, all I can do now is run." I finally let the tears fall freely, telling myself that it was ok to cry sometimes when you're hurt.

I saw her own eyes fill with tears as she pulled me in and hugged me, her arms laced around me tightly. "It's Okay Char, It's Okay. You know I'll always support you in every decision you make." She started as I felt her own tears fall on my shoulder. "We'll get through this together. I promise you."

I shook my head furiously but kept my eyes shut, holding on to her tightly and unwilling to let go. She was my rock and having her on my side even when knowing that she didn't particularly agreed with my decision was everything to me and as I silently cried my broken heart out, I was thankful to have at least Rose in my life.

It really was amazing to think about it to be honest. Never in my entire life would have thought that someone would care for me enough the way Rose did. She was the truest definition of a ride or die. She was my best friend and my sister who wasn't scared to call me out on my bull-sh!t but still kick anyone's ass who would dare look at me even side ways.

She was one of the most amazing people I knew and I was more than grateful to have her in my life.

 I finally pulled away when I was ready as a shaky breath came out of me. I smiled, shaking my head slightly to rid myself of the last of this weakness. I had made my decision and I was mostly sure that I was going to stick to it.

"Are you Okay?" She asked.

"Yeah Rosie, I'll be fine." I answered and got off the bed to stand up. "Come on, I actually want to stuff my face now." I said, pulling her up.

Hello, Mr. Darcy #NewAdultNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ