The Darcy Detox

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Chapter 20

(Week One)

         I hadn't seen Darcy for more than six days. Actually, I hadn't talked to him since he dropped me off after our trip. I had decided that night that with all that had happened and all I've learned on the trip, that it would be best for me to take a break from Darcy.

           It seemed like I was always taking breaks from seeing him, but this time was different and I felt it as the days passed and I kept dodging his phone calls. I was almost certain that the man was probably going insane. I knew how much he really despised when I did that. But honestly, for my well being, I needed it.

          Learning of the baby made me realize that I needed to somehow be my own person and fend for myself in this cruel and unusual world. Having to depend on Darcy this much wasn't good for me and I knew that. I had been alone all my life, having no one to support me or really care for me, so getting that from Darcy was a breath of fresh air and it got over my head a bit quickly. I needed to restart, to detox my body from him, from all the emotional baggage and all those feelings that came as a package with Darcy.

We've been doing this whatever it is that we're doing for five months now and every, time I felt like I was getting in deeper and deeper, and to be honest, that was scary. To be counting on someone this much, to want someone this insanely. It was intense and I needed to refresh, I had to.


          "Okay, yeah I understand." I heard Rose speak over the phone as I walked out of my bedroom. "I'll let her know, okay. Yeah. Sorry. Okay, bye." She finished as she took the phone off her ear.

        "Who was that?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen, one of my favorite places in the apartment because we all knew I really liked to eat.

       "It was Darcy again, for the third time this week." She answered as she let herself fall into the sofa.

       "Oh yeah? What did he want?" As if I didn't already know. She glared at me.

        "Charlotte, this is ridiculous, alright. What are you doing?"

        "I told you, I'm detoxing, getting all the Darcy out of my system before it's too late." I answered and took out the small piece of cheesecake left from yesterday late night run to the store, then shut the door of the fridge.

"Oh don't be ridiculous, we both know you're running." She pulled herself up and turned the tv, her blonde hair a complete mess on her head.

"Oh now I'm ridiculous? Well, well, well, if you weren't my best friend I would think you work for Darcy." I joked as I found a seat next to her on the sofa and pushed her slightly out of the way to be able to sit even though there was space for me. She turned her face towards me and frowned.

"I'm serious, Charlotte, stop ruining things by running and start fighting."

"Why fight a battle I can't win?" I took the first bite of my cheesecake and smiled slightly at the deliciousness before continuing. "And plus, did you stop to think that maybe I don't want to fight?" She raised an eybrow.

"So you would rather run and let her win?" I nodded, my mouth occupied to do anything else other than head movements, even though my parents weren't around to raise me, at least I knew that it was rude to speak with a mouth full.

"I'm running cause she's already won. For Christ sake the girl is pregnant, Rose. What else am I supposed to do?"

"This is quite pathetic." Rose spat out as distaste appeared on her face. I knew she didn't mean it, so I simply wanted to laugh it off. Yes, she's been talking to Darcy, and the man has obviously been telling her things that I knew nothing about, but at the end of the day, it was my decision if I wanted to go back to him or not.

Hello, Mr. Darcy #NewAdultKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat