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Chapter 36

           "Hey Charlotte, get up. We have to leave now if I don't want to be late." I heard as Darcy spoke into my ear. I did not want to wake up, It felt as if I barely had any sleep last night so a few more hours were much needed. "Come on, you have to get up and get ready if you want me to drop you off at home." He spoke again as he shook me slightly to wake me.

           I groaned and I moved away from his hands but otherwise stayed on the bed and under the covers with my eyes still closed. Maybe if I kept them shut, he would just give up and let me sleep.

           Darcy and I had probably gotten only three to four hours of sleep total, so I honestly didn't know how he was already up and ready to tackle the day.

           "Come on, get up." He said again before I heard a voice calling him from the living room of the penthouse.  If nothing else could get me to wake up, this was definitely it. I knew I had heard it last night. I thought it was just a dream since I was fading into sleep when she spoke and I was too tired to get up. But now, now I know what I heard, or I should say who I heard.

"Is that Jemma I hear?" I frowned as I turned my body to face him.

"Yes. I did pick her up from the airport yesterday." Darcy answered as he helped me up and off the bed. I rolled my eyes slightly, I still had this unrealistic hope that she might not have come after all, since she was nowhere to be found when we got there late last night.

"So now that she's here, we haven't actually talked about how all of this is actually going to work." I spoke as I tried to find my underwear and clothes to put on, My naked body getting cold the minute the covers slipped off and the air conditioner hit my skin.

"And we will." he was saying. "Just not now. Now we need to get ready to leave before I'm late to work."

"You won't be late, you're the boss." I said as I grabbed my panties and bra to put it on. " just say you don't want to talk about it."

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Fine! Whatever you want but don't expect me to come here again when she's here. You want her in your house, well you can have her but I won't feel like a stranger here." I told him annoyed, looking around for the  dress shirt I wore the night before.

"And for crying out loud, would you stop messing up my clothes? I actually liked this shirt and now it's ruined, thanks to you."

He started laughing as he put on his watch, followed by his tie.

"You can stop laughing now, Thank you very much." I smacked his forearm. "And Let me borrow a shirt." I said as I sat down on the bed, my mood already completely sour.

"Good thing I'm paying for it, isn't it?" He joked as he walked passed me to get into his walking closet.

"Jerk." I laughed as I tapped him on his ass before he got away.


          When I was younger, I was never one of those kids who ever thought of getting married, having a family and a perfect house. No. When I was younger, what I thought about the most was being able to survive in this world without being crushed by life in general.

I had never thought that one day I would meet a man like Darcy. To be honest, to me Darcy was like those species you heard about but never thought one day you would have the opportunity to see in real life.

Before I met Darcy, I never thought that men like that actually excited. True, you heard of them in movies and books but in the back of your mind, you always wondered if those chick flicks weren't exaggerating.

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