To Want A Puppy

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                      Chapter 10

            "So, tell me honestly, how many girls do you have here?" I asked Darcy who was lying on the bed right next to me. We had spent a good amount of time in the room simply fucking our brains out and laughing at the most random things that we could come up with which was why, seeing as he seemed to be relaxed and comfortable, I thought I would take my chances and ask about things that I wanted to know.

            "Why does it matter?" He said, as a form of reply, his finger trailing on my back since I was lying naked on my belly with my head facing his.

             "It doesn't matter." I answered nonchalantly, liking the feel of his fingers caressing my skin.

           "Then, why are you asking?"

           "No reason, I just want to know, that's all." I closed my eyes and added. "Can't a girl simply be curious?"

           "Unless you care, and deep down you might actually be jealous." Darcy replied, and even with my eyes closed, I swear I could hear the smile in his words.

           "Not in the slightest, buddy." I answered. "Leave that for your... two girls... " I questioned, opening an eye to watch his expression. I was trying to get him to correct me, to tell me the exact number of females he's been seeing beside me.

            It wasn't that I was jealous, I didn't give a rat's ass about what he did, as long as he was safe and he didn't put me at risk. Darcy was smart; I was confident he wouldn't be so stupid as to be going around, from one woman to another and, catching something in the process that could potentially ruin his life. I still wanted to know what I was up against.

           "Are you trying to trick me into telling you?" He was smiling to let me know he found it funny.

           "Maybe. Why, is it working?" I smiled back, fixing myself so that I would be lying on my back.

            "No, but good try. A lesser man would have fallen right into this trap." He laughed, which made me roll my eyes, putting my feet on the headboard of the bed while looking up at the ceiling, imagining for a second that I could get used to this. Me and Darcy, playful and joking around. This wasn't so bad after all.

          "I don't understand why you don't want to tell me, it's not like I'm going to do anything." I retorted, feeling a bit annoyed at all the secrecy bullshit. I honestly didn't care about those girls, I was just curious. Promise.

          "Okay, fine." He started, finally answering the question I had been asking, for what felt like way too long. "There's currently two other girls. One is here and the other one is in Australia. As you may know, I also go to Australia quite often."

            "Uhm, Australia? So what's her name?" I was pushing a little to see if he would crack. I was pushing my luck, I knew that, but hey, he did answer the first question, so might as well just try to get more information out of him.

            "Why should I tell you that?" He asked. "I thought you said you didn't care?"

           "And I still don't, but would it kill you to tell me? I'm only asking."

            "And I'm only saying no." He got off the bed and headed into the bathroom.

             "Oh come on, Darcy, you're no fun." I whined like a little girl, half joking. He popped his head out of the bathroom for a moment. With a smile on his face.

"And would you stop with all the questioning if I tell you?"

"Yup, it'll be all... for today." I joked. He shook his head laughing which I found intoxicating. Oh, this laugh of his.

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