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Chapter 28

(Darcy's POV )


The minute my act truly registered in my brain, I regretted what I had just done. This was something I should not be starting; not at all, not with Jemma. And definitely not if I wanted to get Charlotte back. Ah shit! I needed to get myself under control.

I never cared before. I usually just acted and couldn't be bothered about who got their feelings hurt in the process. That just wasn't my problem. So why now? Why was I all of the sudden thinking about whether or not my actions would be hurtful towards someone. Well, one particular person to be honest. A person who didn't even want to be bothered with me at the moment.

fuck!...I had to get her back, this shit somehow was killing my MOJO.

I stopped kissing Jemma long enough to step away from her before refilling my glass with more alcohol. It took her a second to realize that I had stopped kissing her as she had kept her eyes closed and her lips puckered.

This was frustrating, to say the least. This feeling of losing control, of finding myself act completely out of the norm, to allow Charlotte to have that much control over me and her not even realizing it.

The effect she had on me was unnerving. It wasn't about sex anymore. I realized it hadn't been about sex for quite some time, and even though I made it seem that way to keep my feelings in check, at least I could be honest with myself here.

Why her, out of all the women I've been with, why did it have to be her? Why would she come into my life and disrupt every single barrier and wall that I had set in place to protect myself from exactly those type of feelings and situations?

I watched Jemma's face change as she realized what was happening and then she opened her eyes frowning. "Wh...what...what's wrong James? Why did you stop?" She asked a bit confused.

How did you tell the mother of your future child that you couldn't possibly keep kissing her when all your thoughts were occupied by one specific golden skin girl. Ah hell.

"James?" She called out again, her voice was almost begging. I finished my drink in one single swallow.

"Let's order you some food so you can go to sleep, you have a long day ahead of you tomorrow." I said as I ignored the face she made completely, instead focusing on the phone that I now had in hand. I couldn't believe this was actually happening. I had to fix this, this definitely wasn't me.

Something had changed, something somewhere in the universe has shifted and now everything had gone to shit.


(Charlotte's POV )

"I honestly am still on a high from what went down yesterday. I mean, when Leo called upstairs to let us know Darcy was coming up I had no idea it was going to be this. Thank God the neighbors did not call the cops on him because that would have been something else entirely." Rose was telling me.

"And that's why I told you not to open the door. I think it's best right now if he and I don't see each other and stay away. Maybe then we'll learn to appreciate one another. I feel like until then, I don't want to see him or have anything to do with him." I answered as I moved to the dining table.

It was the next morning after 'The Night Of The Crazies' and I could say with honesty that I did not sleep well at all. I kept replaying the events that led to last night in my brain over and over again.

I still couldn't believe that I had broken things off with Darcy. I had always thought he would honestly be the one ending things with me and leaving me somehow heartbroken or something, because now I could admit that if we had gone on any longer, somehow along the way, I would have fallen in love with him and then what would have happened?

Better if I ended things right then so that I didn't have to find out what it would feel like to get your heart broken by Darcy. But damn, just thinking of Jemma now living with Darcy and forming a family with him was enough to send me into a legit panic mode.

Call me crazy, call me selfish, call me hormonal, call me evil but I just couldn't wait for their baby's DNA result to come out with Darcy not being the father of the child, now that would be a bitch.

I could just imagine her fake face trying to come up with reasons and excuse as to why she was so sure that the child was his, when clearly she knew it wasn't. A mother always knows....always.

"So...what are you going to do now that, well you don't have that financial support from Darcy." Rose asked pouring the orange juice in the cup for me while I sat at the dining table, waiting for my breakfast being cooked.

"Do you remember the lady I went to see about the job at the school?" I asked my friend who nodded before turning off the stove. So I continued. "Well, she called me just this morning to let me know she had an opening for me and I should come today to talk to her." I finished and noticed the pride blossoming in me. This was good, really good.

"Ah okay, I guess that's why you're up this morning. Am I taking you then?" She came to place the scrambled eggs in front of me before sitting herself down.

"Yup, if you don't mind, of course, that'll be helpful." I told her as I started eating my food.

Rose smiled and her beautiful eyes lit up. "Of course." She grabbed a fork and started eating as well. "You know I am proud of you for sticking to your guns, don't you?"

I nodded. "I am an independent woman who doesn't need a man." I said in all my cockiness to my friend who started laughing.

"That you are my friend, that you are. Also let's hope that you'll be able to get some type of financial aid. To be honest, it probably won't be much but at least it'll be a start...better than nothing."

"I'm going to prove to him that I can do it on my own..or at least try, there's nothing wrong with trying until you succeed." I wasn't telling her that, but also was talking to myself. I needed that boost of confidence.

"Amen to that my beautiful sister." Rose raised her hands in the air as we started laughing.


"So you'll be starting when the next semester starts and basically you'll work at the admission help desk. It's a pretty simple job that only pretty much requires you to be proficient in computer...suff." She said and started laughing, me along with her.

"No, honestly though, everything else would be taught to you." She finished.

"Ah great, I'm super excited to start. I really need this job." I told her.

She nodded as if totally understood where I was coming from. "I know the feeling. We'll do whatever we can to help you and work with your school schedule so that you don't get overwhelmed."

I smiled. "Thank you." I wondered if she knew how important this was for me. Did she even have any idea.

She got up and motioned me to follow her. "Come on, I'll show you the person who'll be helping you around here when you start, he's a great person I'm sure you'll like him." I followed her out of her office into the hallway of the admission offices.

"Ah, there he is," she said as she pointed at someone who had their back turned towards us. "Christian, hey let me present you our newest hire."

I started laughing the moment he turned around and our eyes met. What were the freaking odds that the person who was to help me would be a guy that I was grinding on just a few days ago. This was bound to get Interesting.


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(Happy Endings)

I appreciate you for the love you show to this book! Until then ♡♡

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