Life Choices

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Chapter 45

( Darcy's POV )

             "Darcy?" I heard coming from somewhere behind me. I didn't know how long I stood there for but it must have been some time since Charlotte left. "Darcy?" I heard again.

"Get out." I whispered but otherwise kept my eyes closed to try to calm my internal self from going insane.

Behind me, I heard a soft "Okay, I'll leave now." And then a second later Bridget was walking out of my office. I slammed the door shut, finally able to read through the papers Charlotte had handed over to me.

It was the DNA result that had Royce's name on it which was weird until I realized that Jemma's name was also on the papers. What the hell? What the actual fucking hell? Sebastian was Royce's kid? How did that happen?

I kept looking through the papers until something got my attention. I frowned as I read the wording on the paper. Damn! Charlotte was pregnant, with my child and now she hated me because I was the biggest idiot there was on this planet.

I went over to where I kept my bat, grabbed it from its place, walked over to my glass desk and started breaking every single item on it including the table itself. And that was only the beginning. I needed to distress and what better way to do just that than to redecorate my office. That at least was under my control.

How did shit like this keep happening? Why was it that the only time Charlotte willingly came looking for me had to be when I was balls deep into my assistant?

I was fucked, Completely, and there was no way she would forgive me now, not after seeing this little scene, not after all that has been leading up to this and I couldn't really blame her.

So naturally, I kept swinging the bat in the air until I had broken every possible breakable item within my reach. It didn't feel any better.


(Charlotte's POV )

           I flushed the toilet with my eyes closed and started laughing as I sat my ass down on the porcelain floor of Stella's bathroom and wiped my mouth with the tissue paper she had handed me when I first ran into the bathroom. "Thank you for letting me stay the night with you."

"Not a problem, Charlotte." She said, standing in front of me, worrying her bottom lip. "Are you okay though? Or should we go to the hospital because you don't look so good."

I opened my eyes to find her hovering over me. I shook my head and smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, it's just a bug. I'll be fine." I told her, closing my eyes to shield them against the florescent light in the bathroom that seemed too bright against my sensitive eyes that had just recently stopped producing outrageous amount of tears.

"Are you sure?" She asked again, her hand on my shoulder. I nodded before hearing Rose burst in and rushing to my side.

"I came as soon as possible. Are you ok?" I nodded while she pulled me in for a hug. "That freaking pig I could kill him right now." She spoke in my ear and I listened as I tried to relax, breathing in and out with my eyes closed and inhaling Rose's sweet and calming scent in the process.

"Come on, you need to lay down." She pulled me up before addressing Stella. "Stella, you wouldn't mind her laying down a little, right? She needs to rest we honestly had a long day."

In the corner of my eyes I saw Stella move out of the way to let Rose and I pass by. "Sure, go right ahead and use the second bedroom."

"Thank you." I mumbled as we walked by. God I was so tired, both emotionally and physically and I just wanted it to stop. This pregnancy was taking a toll on me already without having to worry about my baby's father being a complete selfish d!ck.

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