Lost And Rehab

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Chapter 26

(Darcy's POV)

           "CHARLOTTE!!!" I yelled after her as the door closed behind her retrieving body. The fuck if I was going to let her walk away from me like that. The fuck if I was going to let her leave me again. That shit wasn't happening again, not ever again. That was what I had promised myself.

           "Darcy, let her go," I heard Mikaela say from somewhere behind me. But did I care though? Did I give a fuck about anything other than the girl who was once again walking out of my life even though I told her I wouldn't take it again?

           I turned my head around for just a second to glare at Mikaela who was now leaning on my desk, before dashing towards the door. I had to stop her, I had to stop Charlotte from leaving.

            I saw her walk into the elevator the minute I walked out of my office. "Charlotte, STOP. I yelled as I started running to catch up with her before the door of the elevator closed. I was too late. I stood there In front of the closing doors and watched as the last image in front of me was of her sad, beautiful face. I knew she was trying to be strong as I found no trace of tears on her face. But I knew better. The way those big green eyes looked told me a different story all together.

             Shit, I really fucked up this time. And, for the first time, I could acknowledge that.

          I looked around me after awhile to find some of my employees standing around, watching the drama unfold. I closed my eyes for just a second to compose myself before putting my poker face on.

             "Unless you want to find yourself jobless, I would suggest you go back to the work I'm paying you to do." They all scattered around as soon as the words came out of my mouth. I waited until there wasn't a single person there before turning away from the closed doors, to head back to my office.

             My eyes landed on Bridget who was standing in front of my door, waiting to say something. "Don't say a thing." I warned her and simply walked passed her. In the corner of my eyes, I saw her nod once and closed her mouth right away. Good. She knew better.

             "Darcy, listen, it's better that she left anyway. You don't need her." Mikaela was saying, but I was passed the point of listening to the bullshit. I stared at her as I stepped into my office, taking my jacket off.

            "Get out." I simply told her while trying to focus all this energy I had building up inside of me elsewhere. I was more than pissed, my blood was boiling and I didn't think I was going to be able to contain it.

             "I don't even know what you saw in her to be honest. I mean she's beautiful; but so what? So am I, right?" She continued speaking as if she hadn't heard me the first time.

           "I SAID GET OUTTTT!" I growled, this time my anger was directed at her. I saw her recoil while I approached her, throwing my jacket to the side as I freed my hands. If she was smart, she would take this as a cue that I really did not really care for her comments or to see her in from of me at this moment.

           "Darcy," her voice was now so low, as if it was the voice of a little girl. "I came all this way to see you." Her hand came to rest on my torso as she played with my tie, a small smile spread on her face.

            "Well, my plans changed. I'll call you when I need you." I told her as I held on to her arm, my fingers slightly tight around her forearm as I walked her to the door, thanking God she had her shoes and purse with her already.

            She watched with shock while I closed the door in her face, then walked back to my desk with one hand resting on my hip, the other on my forehead.

            I sat down and turned on my laptop to try to focus on work but my brain was too busy to register anything work related, which annoyed me even more. I got up again and started pacing, already trying to plan my next move, the next step to getting back what I wanted, which was Charlotte.

             How dare she leave me when I warned her that I would never allow it to happen again?

             My brain was in shambles and I didn't like that. In fact, I despised it more than anything. I strove on control, on always being on top, on having the power in the palm of my hand as others stood below at my feet.

           But as I kept pacing around in my office trying to think of ways to get her back, I realized that this girl has been stealing the power from under me; little by little the hold that she had on me was getting more than I could handle and that wasn't anything I had ever experienced before.

           She challenged me, every thing I did or say and that was both a turned on and a nightmare all in the form of this female. She was bold and so blunt, although I had to admit that she took a lot of my shit, a lot of times, she also required a lot from me. She pushed me. And whether I wanted to admit it or not, it wasn't a bad thing.

            Not knowing what else to do or where else to transfer all this built up anger I had in me, I walked up to my desk and in one sway of my arms, transferred every thing to the floor. Hearing it drop and Crack and break all around me.

         Yea I was in pissed OFF mode.

           I then started folding the sleeves of my shirt as I walked over to the corner of my office, picked up the bat that I kept there for decorative purposes since it was a Collector's Item, went back to the stuff on the floor and started hitting.

          " FUCKING. GODDAMN. SHIT." I kept hitting. "SON OF A," hit "M0THER FUCKING BITCH." hit, hit, hit. I hit until nothing was recognizable anymore. I hit until sweat was running down my face and back. I hit until I was tired of hitting, until my arms wouldn't give anymore. Then I stopped, breathing heavily as if I had just run a marathon in the middle of the Sahara Desert.

           When I thought my mood had settled a little, I took my shirt off and replaced it with another from my closet, then walked outside to ask Bridget to get someone in there to pick up the mess and "get me a goddamn laptop." Because obviously, I still had some work to do. In fact, I had a meeting in forty minutes.

          "Sure, Darcy. I'll get to it right away." Bridget picked up her phone and started dialing a number while I made my way back into my office and slammed the door shut.

          This massive rehab of my office had helped me get rid of some of the anger I had in me, but it wasn't nearly enough for how much I was feeling.

          I usually didn't lose my temper like this. I usually was very collected which was part of my demeanor. That's how I've always been, that's how I had gotten where I was in life.

         People feared me because they could never read me. I was a very closed book and only I had the key to the lock on it which had worked well for the past fifteen years.

         Then she came into my life, and suddenly, and I found myself opening up to her and letting her see this other, and completely different side of me. The side that no one ever dared to take a look at. And this on itself was frightening.

        For her to have that much leverage was something I really wasn't used to, and something I didn't think I was personally comfortable with.

           I needed to take back the power. I needed to not feel like I was losing control of the situation. This was not meant to happen. It wasn't supposed to ever be this way and as long as I let it happen, as long as I let her have this much control, I would never be Okay again.



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K, byeeeeee😄 😄

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