The Decency Of Respect

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Chapter 11

           I heard the door slammed close, so I sat down on the edge of the bed to take it all in and process what had just happened to the best of my abilities. I was still trying to understand what I did so wrong that would  have pushed him to act this way. Because this was not only disrespectful, it was also very childish and inconsiderate.

          I had been nothing but dedicated to him and had, for the most part, done what he wanted me to do. But now, I was done. If that was how he wanted to play, two could play this game. I reached over to my purse to grab my phone and dialed Andrew's number.

       “Hey, Charlotte, what's up?” He asked.

           “Would it be possible for you to give me a ride to the airport?” I asked, already making my way to the closet to assemble my belongings.

           “Of course. But aren't you leaving with Darcy?” He asked with a hint of worry in his tone.

         “There's been a change of plans, I'm leaving right now.” I told him, taking my clothes off the hangers and throwing them in my luggage as quickly as I humanly could. I was a woman on a mission.

             “Okay, well, I'll be there soon.” He said. I stopped for a minute to just take a deep breath, looking around the room for anything I might be forgetting.

            “Thanks, Andrew.” I said, “I'll see you in a bit.” I told him before I ended the call while finishing packing my clothes. I didn't want to be upset, I wanted to have a clear head to be able to deal with this properly.

           If Darcy thought he could act this way with me and I would just take like the other girls do, he had another thing coming. I didn't care how much money he had, if he pushed me too far, I was going to fight back. I wasn't his little bitch following him around to do whatever he pleased with and the sooner he understood that, the better.


           I had never packed this fast in my life!

          Granted, I had a good reason for doing so, but in lights of everything that was happening, I still took some time to be proud of myself right before the phone started ringing while I was closing my last bag, so of course I immediately knew who it was which was why I answered quickly.

          “Are you here?” I asked.

        “Yeah, I'm downstairs.” Andrew replied so I thanked him before telling him that I would be down very soon before I hung up the phone. I grabbed my suitcase and my purse and left the hotel as fast as I could, not even worrying one bit that I hadn't left a note to inform Darcy of my whereabouts, but why should I? After all, we all did what we wanted, right? And plus, he would find out I had left once he got back from his date. I would not bother myself with the details. He was smart enough to put one and one together.

         Andrew met me in front of the elevator and grabbed my suitcase from me the second I stepped out. I thanked him with a smile.

           “You're welcome,” He said then jump right on the subject of my leave. “So, why are you really leaving?” He asked as we were walking out of the hotel's lobby. He had parked his car just in front with the emergency lights flashing to let people know he wasn't too far and was leaving soon.

           “Just to sum it all up, Darcy is a douche and the farther away I am from him, the better it will be for me in the long run.” I told him, getting into the passenger seat as soon as he opened the door for me.

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