The Kidnapping Of Ms. Kineton

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Chapter 31

                 ( Darcy's POV )

I watched through my rear view mirror as the car I was waiting for pulled up by the curb before finally stopping in front of my vehicle. I watched and saw the person I was waiting for get out of the car and smile at the driver who said his goodbyes before driving away.

I waited until she started walking towards the building before I made my move. "Get in." I said, pulling in next to her. She stopped walking when she saw me like I knew she would.

Even already knowing who it was, she still looked down into the car for just a second before turning her face anywhere other than where I was.

"What do you want?"

"I want you to get in the car." I growled, waiting impatiently for her to make a move, something that I wouldn't even have to ask if it were someone else.

"No." she answered and then started walking away. No fucking way would I let her go.

I drove slowly to follow her. "Get in the fucking car, Charlotte." I growled even louder than before which made her stop for just a second to consider her options.

We were right in front of her building, so she could have very well started running towards the door, but she knew better. She knew that I was just going to run after her and if I had to, I would simply carry her and forcibly put her in the car. Either way she would be coming with me.

It took a few seconds, which felt like forever to me, but finally she pulled the handle of the SUV to get in. I relaxed a bit.

She wasn't looking at me, instead just put her seat belt on and waited for me to start the car. So I did.

We drove in silence for a while, with her looking straight on to the road ahead and me stealing glances her way, trying to find the best words to use so that I wouldn't upset her anymore than she already was.

The thought made me laugh a bit. It was ridiculous, really; since when did I ever did I care who I upset or not? I wasn't built that way, it wasn't in my genetic make up to give a flying fuck. But lately, especially when Charlotte was concerned, I was catching myself caring and worrying more and more about her feelings. Well damn, if this didn't stop, next thing I know I'll be the one begging.

I couldn't lose control, absolutely in no way would I be losing control over this woman, something had to be done. I sobered up.

"Are you sleeping with him?" I asked her seriously. At least that made her turn her head to look at me.


( Charlotte's POV )

I raised an eybrow as I looked in his direction. He kept his eyes focus on the road but the tightness that showed in his jaws and the way he was gripping the steering wheel of the car told me that he felt the presence of my eyes on him.

"Excuse me?" I asked. His eyes met mine for a second.

"Did you sleep with him? Or actually the best question would be, are you currently sleeping with him?"

"I don't see why it's any of your business what I do or don't do with him." I replied, crossing my arms in front of myself. The audacity that is man has.

"Honestly, right now is not the moment to play smart with me," he warned me. "Are you or are you not sleeping with him?"

I shut my mouth, not wanting to answer because first of all, it didn't concern him at all what I did with Christian, and second of all, I didn't like the tone of his voice.

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