To Want And To Forgive

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           Chapter 34 

             After Chris left my apartment, I knew what I had to do almost immediately. And, for the first time in my life, I was sure that it was the right decision. So when my Uber dropped me off in front of the building I've learned to know so much, I had a sort of déjà vue moment happening.

         But this time around I wasn't drunk, and stupid. No, this time I knew what I had to do and before anything happened, I was going to make sure that I was listened to.

So when I stood in front of the door and I knocked, I felt a smile forming on my face and excitement building up in me. This was it, it was the moment I've been thinking about for awhile now and it was all going to be worth it the moment...

          He opened the door in nothing but his pijamas trouser and bed head with his eyes barely opened. And that moment, that right there just reminded me of all the things I liked about him.

"Hello, Mr. Darcy." I said with a smile fully on my face.

        "Charlotte." He simply responded as he passed his fingers through his soft hair. He never said much as a greeting which I just found that so adorable sometimes; and I thought he was adorable and charming and cute and as he stood there in front of me, still racking his fingers in his hair, I found myself not being able to imagine not ever be standing here in front of him.

         Yeah, it was sort of a wierd concept but you had to be in my head in order to understand that feeling, that feeling of wanting him, of wanting to be with him, of wanting to be his.

          That feeling was something that I craved for possibly a long time now, and I always sort of hid it from him, and from myself to be honest. How had it happened, how did this man ended up being all my heart desired.

          It was a very tricky situation because I knew what could come of it is a broken heart, but I couldn't help myself.

          I've fought with myself for the longest time now, telling my heart to listen to my brain and that it was the smart of the two, but what are you supposed to do when your heart is just so stubborn.

           I didn't think Darcy would ever love me, not ever, but could he care for me? That I wasn't too sure of either but I could wait to find out. If somehow I had eneded up having feelings for him, maybe that could easily happen to him too...okay maybe not easily but maybe the universe would see it fit to grant me this small... tiny wish? Well, one could always dream until the dream transformed into reality.

           He frowned as he looked at me which made me realize that I had been standing there without having said anything. So I smiled..

        "I think we need to talk." I told him.

        "Yes, we do." he agreed as he stepped aside. "Come in."

          I took a deep breath before walking inside, catching a whiff of his cologne on my way inside.


         "Do you want anything to drink?" He asked me as he closed the door behind him and walked to the kitchen.

           "No, I'm fine." I told him. "Come here, come sit next to me, I want to talk to you." I called out to him.

          He came walking back to the living room with a glass of water in hand and sat on the couch right next to me. I smiled and grabbed his hand gently then placed it on my lap before looking into his eyes. Those eyes that I've stared at way too many times to count.

Hello, Mr. Darcy #NewAdultWhere stories live. Discover now