A Battle Lost In Defeat

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                    Chapter 25

        "You're...lying." I said while I  glared at Jemma, hoping that she would say so herself. But no such luck. Instead she kept that damn smile on her face.

          "Well, Charlotte, a lot has changed since you left James. And I should really thank you. Because of you not being around, I was able to convince him to let me move in with him." She laughed slightly.

          Oh, Dear God. That couldn't be right. It couldn't be my fault that this shit was happening. I couldn't have made the path for her. And while I was freaking out internally, she simply continued with her train of thoughts.

         "Why do you think I'm here? A week after your vanishing act, I was able to talk James into allowing me to come visit and that's how I got here. So yeah, again, Thank you for the help."

           I shook my head. That couldn't be happening. I couldn't allow this to happen. I had to do something. But what? What could I possibly do that would make Darcy change his mind. I mean come on, this was insanity.

            I knew they were supposedly having a baby, but that didn't mean she had to move in with me. She could very well stay in Alabama and that would still work, with Darcy always traveling, it wouldn't have been a problem for him to go see his kid.

          I had to talk to him. Because even though I was scared of what all of it meant, there was this huge part of me that was just so pissed, I was seeing red. I had to see Darcy.

         "Are we done here?" I asked and got up before she even answered because honestly, I couldn't care less if she was done or not, I was done and I had to go deal with this shit with the person that was making this happen. I couldn't go on like this, maybe this was my cue, maybe the heavens were telling me that it was time to let go. To go my merry way, to say goodbye to this man, to fully and really detach myself from Darcy, from this situation. I had to see him.

          "I guess we are." She answered before putting a piece of bread in her mouth. I just nodded, grabbed my purse and walked out of there as quickly as possible.


           The minute Bridget saw me walk out of the elevator, she hit a button on phone in front of her, I guess to Inform Darcy of my presence. She then quickly got up and stood in front of the door, again trying to block me like she tried to the last time I was there. But honestly I really didn't have time for that...or her.

           "I'm sorry, but he's busy." She said as she stood in front of the door. I was going to laugh if I wasn't so pissed and very determined to see the man on the other side of the door. Maybe next time, if a situation like this arose again, and we found ourselves in the same scene, maybe then I would deal with her, but today was not the day.

          "Seriously Bridget, I barely have any more patience in me, you honestly don't want to try me right now." I warned her as I stood in front of her. She didn't move. Maybe this girl had a death wish or something.

          "Are you going to move or will I have to remove you?" I asked, and still nothing. Oh Jesus, this bitch wanted a piece of me before I walked into this office. Because no matter what, I was going to get in there.

          "Yeah, well like I said, he's busy." She dared rolling her eyes at me. Oh hell no.

            "FREAKING. MOVE. BITCH." I yelled and none too gently, pushed her out of my way before I opened the damn door. Say what you want. She had it coming.

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