The Reason Andy Sixx Is So DEVILISHLY Handsome.

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"COME...ON...YOU....STUPID...FIRETRUCKING....SHOES!" Robyn came blasting in through my door, hopping one foot and stuffing her foot, with noticeable difficulty, into her old black converse shoes. By this time she had been hopping all around my bed, twisting , turning, grunting, jumping, stomping and wobbling around on my floor. With one last strain, her foot slipped in, and she let out a loud sigh and said  "Thank firetruck for that." she got up and looked at me. " Shannan, c'mon! we need to hurry up!"

Robyn had this thing where she says firetruck instead of f***ck. 'So here's the thing about saying firetruck, it starts with F and ends with UCK , so whenever you're in trouble or out of luck, you no longer have to explain OH F**CK! ' One of Robyn's favourite songs by Smosh on Youtube and now she can never stop saying it. And she wonders why shes my best friend hehe.

"Robyn we have loads of time, its like four hours!"

"Yes but we still have our hair, makeup, and you need to put your shoes on. Plus we need to get good place near the line!"

"Okay, lets get our hair out of the way then." I told her, pulling out a huge mirror i kept under the bed. Along with hair straighteners, hairspray and non permanent hair dye. "What colour do you want?"

"Slurple the Purple!" she shouted, nearly ripping it out of my hands before i could stop her. "Do i do it after i straighten it or before?"

"Do it after, that's what I'm doing." I looked down at the bottles. "Fire Red!" "Blazing Blue!" "OMGFYES YELLOW!" and "Pirky Pink!". I put the coloured bottle caps to my hair, seeing what suited my black hair the most. After switching between all the caps at least three times I chose blue. Neon Blue. Ohyes.

After an hour of straightening each others hair , we sprayed on the dye and did our makeup.

"Well" Robyn said,"Do you wanna go in our normal style of makeup or go as them?"

"Well, since they're who we're going to see i guess we should do our makeup like them"

"Black Veil Brides we are then."

I grabbed the blue shop bag in the corner and pulled out the items:

2 Pencil Liners

A Liquid Liner

 2 Black Eye shadows

Black Lipstick

 White Powder

And various makeup brushes.

"I think we've got everything, how about I do your makeup and you do mine? I asked Robyn.

"Sure, but i get to do yours first"


I closed my eyes as i felt the liner fill in my eyes and my cheek bones, just Like Andy Sixx. Phoowarr!

After 10 minutes, I was done. Robyn did a fantastic job and I'm going to retrieve the favour.

Robyn pulled her hair back and i got to work. I thought i'd do hers a little different from mine though. I did the eyes the same but i did her lips in black and drew a line from the edge of her lip to near her ear, making them look like stitches by putting lines on it. She looked good too. ( If you want a picture of them, tell me in the comments and ill put some ^_^)

"Okay so what now?"I asked her.

"Uhmm, you need your shoes..."

"Yeah...might help eh?"

"Yeah.. it might." We burst into laughter. My 'blondness' was nearly all our souce of entertainment.

I went into the cupboard and pulled out my black and white converse with white and red laces. Pulling them on with ease.

With one last look at eachother, we confirmed we looked okay enough to be in the presence of our Gods; The Black Veil Brides.

We rushed out of the door, it was 17:30 and it started at 20:00. It takes about 45 minutes to get there so we should be on time.

We ran for the bus, just catching it before it left. we took our seats at the back of the bus. Out of breath, we verbally checked off our check list.

"Epic clothes?"


"Awesome hair?"


"Great makeup? Smudges and all?"

"Nope, wait" I took my two fingers on both hands, put them on my eyes lids and pulled the black eyeliner down my cheeks, Robyn did the same. "Check"



"BVB posters, photos and stuff to sign?"


"We have everything!"

"OMFG I CANT WAIT!" I said, nearly jumping out of my seat.

"Me either!" Robyn shouted.


We are here.

The doors to the Black veil Brides concert.

We rushed in and took our places, as close to the stage as we could.

But something wasn't right..

Why is this place empty??

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