
470 29 3

I remember how one day,

I stood at the top of the hill, near my house.

It was a cold day, despite the sun as it only shone in


I felt the nip at my cheeks as I looked down

On the town below me.

I saw things moving,

Movement everywhere with everyone going about

Their Thursday afternoon lives.

I saw the trees behind the houses, on another

Sloping hill, rise in the distance,

Bending over slightly,

And huddled against the cold, still waiting

For new leaves.

Their branches were like fingers, pointing

In every direction.

I then looked upwards and saw the great clouds

Sailing above me.

The sheer size of them was incredible.

With my gaze still fixed on the sky,

I stumbled to halfway down the hill where I

Lay on my back and tucked my

Hands behind my head and just watched this different world

Above me float past.

My mind was empty and full at the same time,

Cleansed by the almost-spring-air.

No one came looking for me and no one found me.

Sometimes I want to be alone

Because sometimes when I'm alone,

I feel everything.

(found lying on the pavement down Woodland Road)

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