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The trees by the lake 

And Oscar River have grown noticeably

Over the summer.

And I've realised that

Will has too.

Imagine knowing the person

You are going to fall in love with,

For a very long time.

Even before you accept

That you love him.

It's weird because

That's what has

Happened to Lauren.

She once told me about

A boy she met at

A wedding when she was younger.

They were family friends of

The bride and groom.

Six years old and he

Was brave enough to give her a kiss.

Turns out she met the boy she

Loves a long time ago,

At that wedding.

Before they even understood

What love is.

It's funny how things turn out.

It's funny how Will has 

Grown and

How Lauren and Will

Have met again all these years

Later and remembered.

It's funny

That they have

Discovered that they

Love each other.

And sometimes fate is beautiful.

(found pinned to a tree near Oscar River)

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