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Drizzle was the

Warning of the storm

We all feared.

But despite the weather,

After slipping wet suits on

We were out on the water again.

The lake constantly rippled with rain drops

And when I

Fell in,

It was not

Much different from being out of the water.

After a while

Our instructor said it was too windy

To sail separately.

We were put in pairs, boy girl.

Dissapointment crushed me

When I saw

Will and Lauren paired off


Then, in a plot twist,

The instructor paired you with the only girl left:


I hate to admit it 

But my heart hammered against my 

Ribcage like it was

Desperate to escape. 

I smiled shyly at you

But you weren't looking my way. 

We said nothing to each other as we 

Climbed into our boat.

I had to sit next to you.

You took over most of the sailing

And you were good. 

I asked if you had been sailing lots

But you just smiled at me.

Perhaps you didn't hear.

Your hair was damp and stuck to

Your forehead.

Water gathered in the corners of your 

Eyes and mouth.

I wasn't looking or paying attention when

A strong gust of wind 

Blew at the same time you altered

Direction and the boat was tipping.


We were both standing on the inside

Clinging onto the opposite side behind us. 

I turned to look at you

And you looked at me and we both 

Knew we would

Have to 


And you were still smiling as we

Dived into the numbing water.

I thrashed about 

Until I surfaced.

You were a couple of meters away

Bobbing like the topper

That was now fully upside down.

You asked if I was okay,

I managed a stiff nod

As I started to shiver.


The heavens opened.

(Found written under a window-sill in Chloe Mcmullens room)

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