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"Lauren, what did it feel like?"


"When you kissed him."

"I don't want to talk about it anymore"

"But you must have loved him,

If you wanted to kiss him."

"It's not like that. It's about experimenting, not finding love at fifteen. You're so naive."

"I know. But do you miss him?"

"I do, I suppose, but not all the time. It's a different missing to what I'm used to. We both know he's the one that everyone can't help but love. He doesn't like to wear shoes, tells terrible jokes, makes you feel special and important. But he's also the guy that plans wild parties and carries a condom in his wallet and mixes with the wrong crowd. I mean, there's us then there's them. So I miss him, but parts of him. Overall, I just dislike him. It's strange though, he's a person with so many layers, I don't know how to interpret him at all. He can do whatever he wants, as long as he has his voice. People listen to him because he is this person that we all admire and feel inclined to win his appreciation. I wanted to win his affection but then..."

"It wasn't your fault, Lauren."

"It's my fault for being sad and stupid. Of course it's my fault."

"He was terrible to you. He should have helped you."

"He didn't have to. Some people can't deal with sad people. They just don't know how to react."

"He has no heart if he can't help people."

"He has a heart, of course."

"Why are you arguing with me?"

"Because, Chloe, you're wrong. Do you like him?"

"After what he did to you, 

I hate him."

(Found under a floorboard in the Mcmullen household)


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