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Please read author's note. Enjoy reading.



Dreams are things your brain play – a sick twisted game which is full with lies and twists, but still it invites you to play with. Good dreams are like cliche movies where everything is just happy and unicorns and shit like that. It makes you create imaginations where life is supposed to be all happy and rainbows.

But, as soon as you wake up, you know that whatever happened in that dream is far from reality. The world is too cold for that, it's not a place where you can always be happy and in my case – I will never be happy.

Sometimes I feel like I'm not appreciating the life that I was given. I mean, how can I? All my life, I've been hurt and pushed down to my limit and I don't think all those things that happen to me can make me appreciate life.

I sat on the edge of my bed while watching the rain falling down the window pane. The clock on the wall shows that it's currently half past four in the morning – which is way too early for anyone to wake up. But, I don't mind. I like the nice comfortable silence that I knew I got to enjoy at a very short time.

Times like this makes me happy. It's just the cold weather and the sound of bulletproof rain just makes everything nice. It makes me go somewhere where I want to be. It is the time where I can just dream good things and the time where I can create a new life in my imagination.

A few moments later, I got up from the bed and went downstairs to get a glass of water. I knew that I won't be getting any sleep – my insomnia lately becoming worse, so after drinking the glass of water, I went to change into something warmer.

I was walking to the front door when I passed the bathroom. I enter it and take a look on my neck. Since I was wearing pajamas last night – which hides my neck, Harry didn't notice the bruise on my neck. Right now, the reddish mark has turned purplish blue which worries me a bit.

Relax Isabel. It happens before and you are going to be just fine.

After satisfying with my reason, I walk out of the house and breathe in the fresh air. The rain has stopped only a few growls of thunder here and there can be heard. Since it is 5 o'clock, I decided to walk around a bit and maybe if I'm lucky, I get to watch the sunrise.

The neighborhood is quiet except the sound of my shoes scraping against the ground. I noticed a park and walk towards it. I sat on the wet bench, ignoring the fact that it is wet because of the rain. I sighed happily and watch the sun rises.

It soothes me after all those events that happened yesterday, watching nature moves calms me a bit. I close my eyes and snuggle closer into my sweater.

Soon, I drifted off into a slumber.




"Isabel, where are you?!"

I can hear loud noises, but my eyes remain closed as I just want to continue to sleep peacefully. However, the people around me are having none of it.


What the actual duck is happening?

I huffed and let my eyes open. I squint due to the harsh blinding light that's shining into my eyes. The familiar face came into my view and my eyes widen.

Shit, what time is it?

Before my brain can react, Harry sprints towards me and man, he does not look happy.

Anxiety 》h.s.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz