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How dare him!

I told you so. Stupid girl. He just want to ruin your life, just like everyone did to you. Aww... poor baby. It hurts isn't it. Well, it's your fault, stupid Isabel.

Stop! Stop it!

I'm not going anywhere, darling. I'm just gonna stay here and watch you crumble into pieces.

I didn't realize I was crying until I felt Luke's hands wrapped around my body. I tried to pull away from him, but he kept a tight grip around my body.

"Get off me you prick! I hate you! I hate you! You jerk!  How dare you!" I screamed while hitting his back with my hands and struggling against his grip. He kept murmuring that he is sorry and he loves me.

To be honest, I don't know what to believe anymore. All those times whenever I tell anyone about me, I would only end up getting hurt. I'm tired of it. So tired of my life and I just want to sleep and never wake up.

I eventually got tired and let my limbs fall to my sides. Luke lays me back on the bed and quietly leave the room. I saw Dr. Styles standing awkwardly wide eyes not knowing how to handle the situation. He snaps out of his daze and sat on the rolling chair next to me.

"So..." he started. I look at him with a blank face and he clears his throat, "So... Isabel.  I still need to contact the person in charge of you so I can treat you."

I turn my face away from him, "No, thanks. I'm fine and I don't need any treatment from you,  Dr. Styles" I said while standing up from the bed. I suddenly feel lightheaded as blood rushes to my head.  My legs start to protest as I fall to the floor. 

"Woah there little darling," Dr. Styles chuckles while gripping my arms to prevent me from falling. He pulled me up and lay me back know onto the bed.

I grumbled and face away from him. He lightly laughs, "Told you that you need my help."

"Can you please stop talking Dr. Styles," I said irritated that he just teased me.

"I'm sorry, Isabel. By the way, you can call me Harry."

I hummed at him and continue to face the wall. Let's just hope that he won't find Miss Warren's number or I'll be dead.

You see, Miss Warren is the caretaker at the orphanage. I've been living with her since I was 5 years old. She is not a nice lady. No... It's not what  you think...She doesn't abuse me or not feed me, but she's one hell of a strict woman. Let's not forget that she has always been picky.

Miss Warren always says that I'm a troubled child and I'm such a pain in the ass. It's not my fault that I always turned down every couple that wants to adopt me - I'm just not ready to start a family. Although I had so many troubles with my family in the past, they are still my family. No one could ever change that.

"Found it!" I snapped out of my daze as Dr. St- I mean Harry held out a file with my name on it. He then walks over the rolling chair and sat on it. He opens the file and begin to flip the pages. When he found the right page, he took out his cellphone and dial the orphanage's number.

Great! Now I'm going to be in trouble.

"Hello, is this Rays of Hope Orphanage?" Harry then begin to flip more pages on file, stopping once in awhile on some pages and he creases his forehead. "...My name is Dr. Harry Styles and I'm here with Isabel.... Smith," there are a few moments of silence before he begins to speak again, "Yes, ma'am.  I just need you to come to school... yes the school. Isabel passed out ma'am so we need to take her to the hospital to get proper treatment.... Yes, thank you so much...Alright,  I'll see you then."

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