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I'm just so sorry for the late update. 



The sound of snoring is the first thing that I heard when I was woken up from a deep slumber. It was fairly dark outside but the sun is peeking through the clouds. I take out my phone from my pocket and look at the clock.

6.05 a.m.

My eyes widen as I stare at the screen of my phone. I can't believe that we both sleep in and judging from my clothes and Harry's, we both didn't wake up for dinner. I fist my eyes to rub the sleep off and slowly get up from the bed.

I did my business in the bathroom and slowly tiptoe to the Harry's bedroom door. The creaking sound makes me flinch and I look back to see Harry still peacefully sleeping. I was just about to step out of the room before I hear someone groaning causing my step to stop abruptly.

"Isabel? Is that you?"

I dare myself to turn back around. Harry is squinting as if he's trying to figure the object in front of him. I nervously rub my arm, "Yeah. Just go back to sleep."

He sits up from his laying position and rubs his eyes with his fist, "Where are you going, at-" he briefly look at the clock, "6 in the morning? Wait, what?" He immediately sit up straight before looking down at his clothes and back at the clock.

"I guess we slept in," I tried to ease his confusion.

He rolls his eyes, "Thank you Captain Obvious. Now, tell me, where are you going?"

"I just need to take a walk. I promise to come back and then get ready for school." I explained.

He rolls out of the bed, "I'm coming with you. Just wait for me. And please change into something warmer."



We walk hand in hand while taking in the surroundings. It was fairly early and the sun is just rising.

"So, why do you want to go with me?"

"Do you not like me?" He said in fake surprise. I slap his arms playfully and he just laughs. "I told you before that I'm gonna take you to see the sunrise, but, I guess we're a little late for that."

He remembered that? Like he said it last week and I don't think he remembers.

He is so full of surprises.

I shrug, "It's alright. It's still nice to breathe in fresh air in the morning."

He slings his arm around pulling me into his side and his warmth radiates to my body making me sigh in content. We continue to walk to the park where I managed to fell asleep last week and sat on the bench looking at the sun rising.

"Isn't it beautiful?" I ask in admiration.

He hums in agreement and I let my head fall on his shoulder. The sky is filled with gradients of colors – dark blue, purple, orange and a hint of red with birds flying across it. I realize how free they are soaring through the sky with no worries or problems weighing down their shoulder.

I wish I can be like them – free and carefree.

But, I know I can't be like that. The world is too cruel to let me be free – free from this emotion that has been keeping me in a cage where I can't escape the harsh reality of life. I can't be free from the anxiety that I have that has slowly but surely is killing my insides.

"What are you thinking, pretty girl?" Harry asked pulling me from my train of thoughts.

"Just stuff," I shrug, dismissing the question.

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