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I know I promised to update last Sunday. I'm so sorry people :( Hope you guys enjoy this chapter xx




Isabel’s POV

The next day, the pain begin to my subside probably due to the pain medication that Harry prescribed for me. I went to the pharmacy which is quite far from our orphanage causing me to  come back late from school.

And that caused a long lecture from Miss Warren about me being irresponsible.

At least, it's better than getting a beating.

It is currently 4 in the morning and I'm now wide awake with a sheet in front of me. I've managed to get a 5-hour sleep, but I kept getting nightmares about my old dentist.

And all of those nightmares are caused by the stupid sheet in front of me.

《Permission to get a physical exam and dental exam for student》

Before you proceed filling the form, please answer one question below.
Do you allow your child to get a physical exam and a dental exam by a professional doctor/dentist? (If no, please state your reason in the additional information below)

As I read the form, I realised that there is no escape for me from getting a physical exam. I know that Miss Warren will allow me and some other kids that go to the same school with me to get the physical exam. Plus, it's free and no harm is done.

But, that's not my biggest worry. The fact that I have to get a dental exam scared me to death.

I think I'm gonna throwup.

I put the sheet inside my folder and take a deep breath. I slowly rubbed my temple because thinking about this whole exam thing makes me nauseous and I just want to sleep and never wake up.

Well, then. Don't wake up.

Just sleep and never wake up.

Or maybe I should get out of this place and run away. But, I know that it's easier said than done.

If I did run, where will I go? Will I be homeless?

I don't plan on doing that. I know that I have to graduate high school and go to university. That's what I want.

I don't have someone that can support me or throw money into my bank account whenever I want. No, I need to work my arse off so that I can survive in this world. I don't have rich parents that can support me or the one that I can go to whenever I need money.

Heck, I don't even have a parent.

Oh Lord, what have I done to deserve this?


Unfortunately, I was rudely woken up 2 hours later by the sound of children screaming downstairs. I groaned and let out a yawn from my mouth. I wonder what the commotion is all about.

I rubbed my eyes with my fists and open the door. I immediately cringed as some children are running down the hall, screaming their hearts out.

What the hell?

I saw Miss Warren walks up the stairs with an angry face. No, I don't think she's angry. Furious probably the right word to use.

"Children!" She said loudly. I swear everyone in the hallway stops breathing and all heads face Miss Warren.

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