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-----Kat's POV

"Wait!" I blurt out and break off the kiss "you can't just do that! Are you crazy?!" I yell and shove back his shoulder. There was no denying the kiss was everything I've craved since the bus ride home, but if someone, specifically Kelly, saw us, I'd be fired on the spot. "You can't just go around kissing people! Especially people who work in the Flyers organization! We can't be seen like this together!" I shout with built up anger in my chest, but Claude was just staring intently at me, guilt written all over his face. I wait a few moments for him to come up with something snarky to say but no words leave his lips. I brush past him, hitting his chest with my shoulder as I walk by- I really needed to find Jules- and fast.

I only walk a few steps before I feel Claude's hand wrap around my arm lightly, "I'm sorry," I hear him yell, sincerity pouring from his voice. I turn to face him and the guilt in his eyes pulls on my heart, but I try to keep up my tough expression. "You can't just do whatever you want Claude I'm not your little-" I start to say, my hands on my hips, truly selling the idea I was completely over him.

"Katina," I barely hear his deep voice say over the music. He steps closer to me, filling my chest with butterflies- I honestly just wanted to taste his alcohol flavored lips once again. "Just dance with me- give us one night," he states directly.

"What?" I blink a couple times; did he really just say that? He grabs my hand but immediately drops it when I give him an intimidating look, what part of 'we can't be seen like this together' does he not get?

"I just want to dance with you," he admits, "it's just dancing- you had no problem with Brayden."

"I can't," I fight back, "Brayden is a different story- everyone in here knows your intentions aren't the best- dancing with you, hell anything with you, has way more involved than just that."

"And what are my intentions?" he says with a panty- melting grin.

"Oh I think you know Giroux- even if it's just dancing, Kelly will think there's something between us," I challenge, trying not to give in to his charm but the alcohol was making it impossible.

"Isn't there?" he retorts devilishly and my heart skips a beat.

I shake my head and cross my arms at my chest, "n-no there isn't," I try to say convincingly but my stuttering gives away my lie. Claude laughs softly at my attempt to push him away with an icy attitude he knew he was warming up.

"A few songs Kat- that's all I'm asking," he negotiates, "just keep your mask on."

"I can't," I shout, fed up, "besides everyone knows I'm a sailor- they've all seen me in my costume- it's no mystery at this point! Did you take too many hits into the boards lately?!"

Claude looks like he's about to give up but then his eyes light up, "wait right here," he blurts out and runs into the mass of people having a great time. For a couple seconds I stand there, with my arms crossed, seriously waiting for him to come back with whatever. What are you doing Kat? Waiting for Claude Giroux? My mind is screaming, telling me to leave while he wasn't there to stop me with his hypnotizing hazel eyes and charm. Suddenly, Jeff, pops up into my vision.

"Hey! Kat?! Nice- uh- costume!" he says cheerily.

I smile back easily, "Thanks! You too!" He was dressed as "Static Cling," with mismatched socks, and boxers; I couldn't help but giggle- and be a little bit embarrassed about how much I wasn't wearing.

"Did you want to dance?" he asks nervously, motioning back to the dance floor behind him with his thumb.

"I- uh- I think-" I begin to stutter.

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