Slip-Ups and Slipping Out

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-----Kat's POV

"mmmmm..." I let escape my mouth quietly as I wake from a calm dream. I keep my eyes shut, not letting the bright sunlight pouring through the window wake me up even more. I settle my head back into the fluffy comfy pillow, coddling me back to sleep. I pull the sheet over my bare shoulder- damn these are so soft.

My bed has never felt this comfy in the morning- wait. These sheets feel too expensive to be my own- and this pillow is definitely not my Big Lots one with the cheap tie-dye case adorning it. My eyes shoot open, and the memories of last night flood my mind in a second. "OH SHIT!" I half whisper as I sit up; the blanket falls from my torso revealing my bra-less chest. I gasp with another curse word and quickly bring the hem of the sheet to my neck. A body that I forgot was even there stirs calmly. With wide-eyes I look down at a sleeping Claude, "please don't wake up, please don't wake up," I murmur silently.

Once he settles completely, I slide out of the bed with ease and grab my underwear and bra from the floor from the floor, sliding it on faster than I have before. "Now to find my dress," I whisper, looking around the room. Suddenly, I remember that it was the first thing I lost when we got into his apartment. I catch a glimpse of myself in his mirror- I need to put a paper bag over my face. My make-up is smeared and faded; my scar looks so visible- even more incentive to get out of here as soon as heavenly possible.

I tiptoe to Claude's bedroom door, turning the doorknob so slowly, like defusing a bomb- "please don't make any noise," I beg. Just as I slide through the cracked open door, I hear a soft laugh, and see a Matt Read heading to the kitchen area. I nearly jump out of my skin and retreat back into the bedroom. I keep watch through the door- soon I see him carrying two cups of coffee towards, I'm guessing, his room? I never knew he roomed with Claude! Now I'm really stuck- I can't just prance out there in my underwear with him here.

I tiptoe to a set of drawers where I'm hoping Claude keeps his shirts. It opens with a deep hum- I look back to Claude- still fast asleep, phew. Thankfully, the drawer is full of t-shirts- I grab the first shirt, slip it on over top of me, and close the drawer soundlessly. I tiptoe back to the door, and fortunately don't see Matt out there. I suck in a breath, glide past Claude's door, and make a mad dash towards the front door. I grab my wallet, dress, and phone spilt messily on the floor before getting the hell out of there.

When the door latches behind me, I swiftly slip on the stretchy dress and pull it up to my hips- I know I probably look crazy but it's better than leaving without anything underneath this long sleeve shirt. I practically sprint to the elevator, keeping my head down- hoping no one else lives in this building. "9:45" my phone reads- crap, I'm sure Jules is already up. I hail a cab quickly once I get outside to the street, trying to ignore everyone's glances, and snickers- I'm sure my scar wasn't helping my case. Finally, with a few minutes to myself, I start to calm down, memories of last night keep my mind busy.

"Let's make this interesting then."


"If you win, Mr. Ego, we go back on the dance floor, kiss, grind, whatever, but if I win, you get me a cab, I leave, and we say goodnight."

I'm shaken from my daze when the taxi halts abruptly in front of my building. I pay the driver and exit the car with a goodbye and a 'have-a-nice-day.'

-----Claude's POV

The jarring sound of pots and pans in the distant kitchen wakes me up harshly, making me groan in discomfort. I lift one arm from my side and drape it across the figure laying next to me. Except, my arm falls flat on a pillow and no one is there, what? My eyes confirm that she isn't next to me- not even on the other side. Shit- she left already? I wipe the sleep from my eyes as the memory of last night becomes clearer with every second. I hear a slight tapping on my door, and my heart jumps, maybe she didn't leave after all. "I thought you left, Ka-" I begin to say and the sight of Matt's face stops me like a check into the boards from revealing Katina and I's new secret.

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