Captain Cold Shoulder

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-----Kat's POV

"I seriously wish I could skip this road trip," I shout from my bedroom as I stuff clothes into my suitcase, "I can't stand Captain douche bag," I groan in frustration. I ball up another shirt and throw into my bag hastily. I make sure to pack all of the cute clothes I have with killer shoes and jewelry- if Claude really meant what he said, he'll be changing his mind soon when he sees me in these clothes. If he was going to be a jerk, I was going to fight back with ultimate sass and slay every day with my outfits. I look up to see a concerned Jules standing at my door with Sean who's chuckling at my remarks. I laugh softly, "Sorry Sean, I know he's your friend."

"Nah, it's fine- he's a jerk most of the time," he admits with a comforting smile.

"Just ignore him, alright? Take your pictures and don't talk to him," Jules offers- easier said than done.

"Yeah, just stick around with me Kat- it'll be fun, I promise," Sean comments, "we gotta get going soon Jules."

She gives him a pout and he responds with a warm tight hug- I can't help but to wish I had someone as sweet as Sean to hug me like that. "We'll be back in a week and a half- it'll go by fast- I promise," he adds. I zip up my bag as I watch their cute "friendly" interaction.

"Yeah, yeah easy for you to say- I'll be here in an empty apartment, watching my friends visit cities without me!" Julie teases, trying to give us a small guilt trip.

Sean just shakes his head with a soft laugh and kisses her forehead, "you ready Kat?" he asks turning my way- I give him a nod with a small smile. He makes his way to the living room to collect his bags, leaving Jules and I alone.

"I didn't know friends kiss each other on the forehead," I taunt with a grin.

"Oh shut up," she laughs, "I just don't want you coming back and telling me Claude and you kissed like the last time," Jules says with a more serious tone.

"Trust me it's not going to happen," I admit truthfully. I give Jules a hug before Sean and I leave to go to the Skate Zone where the bus was going to pick us up.

As the guys and I file onto the bus, Sean sticks close to me, helping me with my heaviest bag, storing it in the top bin for me. Sean and I quickly engage in conversation; he is so easy to talk to, unlike a certain someone that loves to tease me endlessly. A specific good-looking ginger steps onto the bus last with freshly washed, wet curls- I tear my eyes from his face before he notices my gaze.

"You good?" Sean asks, noticing who just got on the bus.

"Yeah, yeah fine- thanks," I smile.

The bus ride goes smoothly and all of the guys are pumped up for the game tonight in New Jersey- secretly I'm as hyped as they are. "You ready for tonight, Kat?" Simmer asks me with a huge grin as he leans over the back of his seat while the bus is still moving.

"Yes- how could I not be?" I retort with enthusiasm, "you have to beat them; I hate the Devils more than the Penguins if you can believe that."

"Really? A Flyers fan who hates a team more than the Penguins, eh?" he laughs softly, "Hey boys," he yells out to the bus, "we've got a special request from Kat to kick some ass tonight!" I can hear everyone chuckle and turn in our direction; I hear a few "Alright Kat" 's and "you got it" 's which my makes my face flush red with embarrassment. Sean laughs at my expression as soon as Wayne sits back down in his seat, "you know, Simmer loves giving everyone a hard time- you should come hang out with us all again like you did before the season kicked into gear. I mean I know you talk and joke with us at practices but you should hang out with us when we're not wearing skates- a lot of the guys want to get to know you better," Sean confesses and I give him an uneasy look.

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