Chapter Five: Touring

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Chapter 5: Touring

"Here are the main grounds." I said gesturing about, "You’ll be spending most of your time here."

"What is over there?" He asked pointing to the far side of the estate.

"That's the stable." I tensed.

"Are there any horses?" He asked curiously.

"They're not--not ride-able." I lied. I didn't know what to think about this boy, but I was not going to take any chances. I reasoned what I said wasn't exactly lying, most of them weren't ride-able.

"Can I see them?" Tore asked tentatively.

"There's nothing really to see." I said trying to come off nonchalant, but ended up sounding tense and paranoid.

"Ok then..." He said uncomfortably and paused before speaking again. "Listen, I'm not Gorath."

For the second time that day I was taken aback. "I know." I said lamely, before adding, "Listen if you want to see the horses I can show you them. Just give me 'till tomorrow." I made my request. I had no right to make such demands. However he didn't seem to disagree with it. I felt bad for him. He had a monster for a father and he seemed different. But I still didn't trust him.

I finished showing him around, all except the stable and the small house on the west edge of the estate. The house was Tierra's and mine, and I dodged each question on it. When the tour was done I lead Tore back to the big house. The table was spread with more food than one could easily take in. I bowed out quickly, but not before I was invited to stay by the strange grey eyed boy. It was obvious he came from far away since it is an insult to the guest to have servants eat at a Lords table. I declined, though I thought of it for a moment. It would be a great disgrace to the Lord. A temptation for sure.

I returned to the stable to make the rounds, the nameless mare stood restless. I saw this as a sign that she was well on her way to recovering. After this I went on to the small house to eat and rest.

Dinner was uneventful. Tierra asked about the Lords son, I said little. We ate. It was the usual, nice and quiet. "So what did you think of this Tore?" she asked sounding like a gossiping milk maid.

"What I thought of him matters not, but if you must know I thought him strange." I was too tired for this game, I gave her the simplest explanation I could before slipping off to my room to prepare for rest. The less Tierra knew the better.

The Necromanced (Being Edited 7/21/14)Where stories live. Discover now