Chapter Seven: A Different Shade

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Chapter 7: A Different Shade

By lunch I was on edge and such to a state of panic, it would seem. The pair, Gorath and Tore, frightened me.  But Tore was the scarier of the two, Gorath I knew to be a monster always. I couldn't explain it. It was like a beast was hunting me from within. Whilst walking down a corridor I once again came to find Tore alone. I flinched I was unable to help myself. He saw I was terrified.

"You needn't be frightened of me." he said in a quiet tone.

I was silent. I couldn't trust myself to speak. I just nodded. Though I didn't believe him. He gave a small half smile. It was the only time I could remember him doing so. His face was like a mask, you only saw what he would allow. It was unnerving to think that someone could just not feel whenever they chose.

"I wonder," He said, "I wish to ride, though I haven't the slightest clue which one best suits my purpose."

"If you wish to ride I may recommend Aslo or Grace. Eddison does ill with new riders, and Hope is too young. The other assorted beasts out there were trained by men who toughened their mouths, nearly useless without a brutal hand." I had said too much. My stomach sank, "I should have kept my reservations to myself, I owe an apology, sir." I said feeling uncomfortable.

"Honesty is something that an apology should never replace." he said quietly. "and, I'm not a sir. My name is Tore."

"Yes, sir." I said before catching myself “…Tore."

"Now about that ride." He said cheerfully.

"You'll need a guide." I said, pointing out the obvious.

"I can manage it."

"Lord Gorath would have my neck cut if I let you go alone." Maybe Tore wasn't so bad.

"Very well." Tore agreed.

We reached the stable midmorning. I saddled both Aslo and Eddie up, Tore watched intently. He seemed curious, as though he had never seen it done before.

"Have you never tacked a beast before?" I asked. Did the boy know nothing?

"Not really." he mumbled embarrassed.

"It's not hard," I said, “I can show you if you want?"

"Thank you." He was a strange boy. I showed him the girth and where to place the saddle. "Over the withers." I explained again. He kept putting the saddle too low on Aslo's back. He got it right after the third try. Next the girth.

"Pull the strap up from the other side of her belly." I commanded. He tugged it and loosely latched it. I gave him a break and pulled it hard. The tack was finished. I quickly did the same to Eddie and checked tack again before we left. Aslo was holding her breath, she was bloat with air. I stuck my slim fingers into her mouth and poked her tongue causing her to open and exhale. It was an old trick, one which had worked many times before.

We rode at a slow pace, Tore was new and to have him fall would do no good. I took the lead. We took off down small forested trail. I saw Tore gaining confidence, but even though Aslo was gentle she could still spook.

Tore kicked into a trot and we took off at a faster pace as Aslo spooked. She had been frightened by her own shadow cast by the sunlight. The beast’s hooves thundered as she cantered faster and faster. I galloped after her trying my best to stop her. She raced on. The boy clung to her mane and the reins. He laid flat against her body, unconsciously driving her faster. He was obviously holding on for dear life. Now at a gallop Aslo tore through the path knocking aside bushes and branches. Eddie galloped after her, I held the reins loosely allowing him to run faster, but we knew I was the only one in control, he sped on.

We caught up at the mouth of a narrow bridge. Eddie and I dashed in front of Aslo before she could cross it's threshold. I felt a chill run fast down my spine. It lingered as I recognized where we had run. The precipice below was one that had claimed many lives. I kicked Eddie away from the cliffs  lip.

"Are you alright?" I asked Tore, Lord Gorath would surely beat the steed to death for bolting.

"Fine," he said, sounding quite to the contrary.

"You look to be sick, sir." I said, he now decided Aslo's fate.

"I... Please don't call me that." he said. "My name is Tore."

"Tore," I corrected.

"Can't you speak normally?"

"I can, but one does not hope to live long by being of frank speaking." I explained. "not a servant anyway." I added.

"Then how does someone give you permission to speak frankly?"

"You can't– I mean you don't." I said trying not to stumble on my words. I had never had to explain this before. This boy was very strange indeed.

"Fine then, I shall order you with all the power invested in his lordship, to speak plainly and...And be honest." he finished with a grin and added, "oh and I have no idea what that means. How much power does that measure out to be?" he asked in a mocking tone. He was blatantly mocking Lord Gorath. He was a strange boy.

"Stones!" I swore. "To speak plainly," I said incredulously, "have you lost your sense? Have you gone mad?" I asked unbelieving.

He didn't say anything for a moment. "I do believe I have." he said suddenly a grin spreading across his face.

The Necromanced (Being Edited 7/21/14)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora