Chapter Sixteen: Accidents Happen

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Chapter Sixteen: Accidents Happen

I walked through the palace halls. It was early, far too early for any of the royal family to be awake. Tore had informed me before dinner that he would be stuck making arrangements and discussing business with his father for the better part of the day. So today was mine to do with what I liked. I decided to start with the lower levels and work my way up. I wanted to see all of it. It was all so strange and wonderful, some of the palace was made of stone while other parts of wood. Either way the material made no difference in the beauty of the structure. The palace was like a castle with ever curving stairways and tunnels. That alone fascinated me. 

I found my way to a dark passageway lit by several torches. It was lined with small tapestries depicting battles and families. It was astonishing the amount of talent put into each design. I found myself lost in the maze. I realized quickly that I had forgotten the way back. It didn't particularly bother me but after an hour of searching I started getting concerned. I called out once or twice but no one seemed to hear me. This part of the castle was not particularly well traveled. I sat admiring the hand sewn tapestries trying to remember the order in which I had followed into this maze. Finally in an act of desperation I took a torch off the wall and went deeper into the maze. It had to lead somewhere right? I thought, hoping that this would not be the last stupid thing I ever did. 

I turned left, than right, than left and right again. It went on and on showing no signs of coming to a halt or leading anywhere. I kept walking, hoping that I would be okay. When the second hour passed and I had nearly exhausted all sense I had retained from my earlier panic I found a way out. The maze ended at a door. It was ornately decorated with gems and carvings, though these were not like the ones commonly displayed across the palace balustrades and doorways. I ran my finger along the carving, something about it felt off. It was just a thought, which I neatly dismissed as I pushed the door open. The maze went out into a small garden. I recognized the back wall of the palace, I had ridden past here a day or so ago. I remembered it well, though when I looked behind me for the door I found nothing.

Perturbed I walked out into the light carefully discarding a torch in a nearby bush as not to draw attention to myself. I had caused enough trouble in the last few days as it was. I walked back into the palace and headed to the kitchen, it was just about lunch time and I didn't feel like dining with the royal family again. They put me on edge. I don't think they meant to, it was just who they were. I certainly couldn't fault them for that.

The kitchen was bustling with sever servants and maids. The lead chief was walking about barking orders. The first thing I noticed about her were her eyes. They were two colors. I was shocked for a moment but quickly recovered. "Hi," I said shyly. I wasn't sure what else I could say.

"Hiya deary!" The woman's voice boomed from the middle of the kitchen causing some of the more skittish servants to jump. "What can I get for you Miss Mariden?"

"Umm... I was just curious if... well if you had anything on hand that... umm..." I stuttered trying not to invade her work. While I was trying to spit out a coherent sentence a tall blonde maid stormed in and shouted, "The Princess ordered pastries not sausage and a side of barley!" Her tone was angry and authoritative, something more than threatening.

"The Princess, mind you, is only six years old deary, I may work for the king but that girl will eat a decent meal. Now get out!" The cook shouted back with an almost satisfactory grin on her face.

"Now what did you want sweetheart?" She asked me again.

"Whatever you've got on hand would be lovely." I said as politely as I could manage.

"Very well my dear, I'll grab you a plate just give me a moment to collect my valuables." The woman cook said with another charming grin. She seemed sweet and grandmother like. I waited only a couple minutes before a plate of delicious food was placed in my hands. It smelled wonderful. Feeling guilty I went to the stalls to check on Faith, she was still recovering though the animal healer said it would be a while before she could be ridden again. I wasn't in any hurry, however much I wanted her well again it would take time. I finished eating my plate of food, or whatever I could manage. I was never used to eating as much as they ate here. It was strange. Where I came from we ate mostly wheat and whatever leftover crops we could afford to keep after taxing. Lord Gorath's lands were particularly productive. I tried to shut Lord Gorath out of my mind. It made me miss home too much.

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