Chapter Thirty-six: Mending Motives

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Chapter Thirty-six: Mending Motives

I tried to put the idea of Thomas out of my head. I tried everything I could think of. Finally I left my room to wander. I first made my rounds to the infirmary to collect a salve for my leg, the new leg was still rubbing.

I headed down to the range, it was one of the only things I could do without using my leg. I fired arrow after arrow into the wall. My mind was wandering, what did all this mean? How could someone change this much? It was unheard of, for me anyway. I felt trapped, claustrophobic, like I was suffocating with my thoughts. I put down the bow and headed to the stables. Faith was pacing, she was as restless as I was. I slipped a halter over her chestnut mane. I struggled with the saddle, it was heavier than I remembered. The bridle went over her forelock and rested nicely against her face. I tightened the girth again and admired the tack. It was well done, though it took over twice the time it usually did.

I unhooked the halter and lead her to a mounting stool. I held my breath, I hadn't ridden since my accident, I hadn't seen Faith in almost a month. For the first time in a long time I felt a pang of fear rest in my chest. My heart pounded as I stood ready to mount. Faith patiently waited. I held my breath and swung my leg over the saddle.

I reached the stirrups easily enough. I felt lopsided and uneasy. Faith was ready to run, I regretted not lunging her before this, but it was too late now. I took the reigns and kept her at an even walk. My leg was nearly useless, it was impossible to put any weight on it. I rode her in a wide oval trying to get the hang of it again, my heart wouldn't stop pounding. I felt as if I were doing everything completely wrong, my weight wasn't properly proportioned out.

I nearly leapt out of my skin when I heard a voice call out, "I never would've expected this!" I looked up to see Tore standing with the assistance of a few others, he looked ill, but better than I expected. It was after all only hours since I had talked to Merrick.

"I didn't expect you up and about for some time." I said, making my best attempt towards politeness. "And I thought I didn't exist." I added pointedly.

"That's not fair." Tore said coming closer. I shifted uncomfortably in the saddle.

"Haven't you heard? Life isn't fair." I snapped, continuing on with my ride. I tried my best to ignore him. I focused hard on the task at hand, doing my best to keep my fingers from getting tangled in the reigns, they were like roots twisting and turning. I readjusted them and kept going. It happened too fast for me to notice the change.

Suddenly I was on the ground, I landed hard on my side, I assumed I'd lost my balance. My arm throbbed, I tried to sit up, I was bruised but it was evident as I checked myself over I didn't break anything. I stood shakily, Faith was agitated. Something was terribly wrong.

I looked desperately for the source of her distress. There were four horses in the courtyard, not counting Faith, every one of them was shifting from foot to foot. They all looked ready to bolt. I smelled them before I saw them. Their thick fur coats were pungent, laden with manure and sludge. It was a stampede. I raced towards Faith as fast as I could. Her eyes were wide as she reared. I dodged a forceful hoof as it was thrust in my direction.

I didn't have time to mount, I didn't have time to think. I was going to be trampled to death in the next few minutes unless I did something. That realization sent chills into my stomach. I grabbed Faith's reigns and ran with her as fast as I could go. The screams were almost too much. They seemed to raise up behind us as we ran. I didn't look back, I couldn't. Tore was running with me as well, he was faster. I lunged up towards Faith catching a ragged grip on the stirrup with my good foot. The saddle jarred to the side slipping further as I swung my leg over. I almost didn't have the strength to catapult myself into the saddle, but somehow I made it.

The Necromanced (Being Edited 7/21/14)Where stories live. Discover now