Chapter Nine: Beasts

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Chapter 9: Beasts

We took Lord Gorath to his bed, I felt my hands shaking as I held on tight to his loose fitted clothing. I almost let go half a dozen times because of his sheer weight. I slipped away before he could wake up and come after me. I knew I chided myself for being paranoid. I knew I was safe, even if I didn't feel it. I heard somewhere that there was a place where you could be safe. I knew more than ever I wanted to go there. But what they didn't tell you was how to get there.

I dashed to the small house, I cursed myself for staying out so late. It was dark. The sun had long past taken it's leave. The sun had fled, but who could blame it? I hurried, dread weighed me down. I felt as though I were a thousand pounds heavy. I reached the door as I heard a beasts howl in the distance. It sent chills down my spine.

Tierra was fast asleep, she had been sleeping, Her head was resting the table. Her eyes flew open as I quietly closed the door behind me. "Where were you?" she growled groggily.  I was caught completely off guard.  "I was… Umm... Just outside," I finally stuttered out. I looked at my shoes dumbly.

"Don't lie to me girl." she was standing now. "I want you to stay away from that boy, do your duties and leave," Tierra's voice was deceitfully gentle. "Why?" I demanded.

"Mariden, I've found you an h'usband." Her sincere joy was obvious, a rare occasion. "He'll be arriving tomorrow." I had no words to force into a reply. To refuse would be unheard of, but to accept? Could I really give up my only friend, for a man I'd never met? I mumbled a couple of words to Tierra in reply.

"Does Lord Gorath know of this?" I asked halfheartedly.

"Of course the Lord knows, he's given his blessing." My heart sank deep in my chest. After bidding Tierra goodnight, as was our way, I went to lay awake for the rest of what would be a sleepless night.

I slipped back into the conscious world. Wide awake now, thoughts came flooding back into my head. 'What do they do about thieves?' He had of course been talking about the gods, but what had he really been talking about? By now every hint of sleep had vanished from my thoughts. I slipped out of my bed, in a desperate panic I gathered a few things into a small bundle. The breeze was cool against my skin. My window was wide open, as usual. I slipped outside the sill and was off at a run. I ran towards the stable first. Faith was startled at my arrival. I found a small empty grain sack, and quickly stowed my few belongings. I had one last thing to do.

I ran to the big house. I was terrified. I crept up the steps to Tore’s chambers, it wasn't hard to get past the dogs, I had a couple of meat scraps that would keep them busy for awhile. I thought about knocking, but it would only alarm the dogs. I didn't want to bring more attention to myself than I already had. I crept inside quiet as a cat. I clamped my hand against his mouth, not wanting him to yell. I was being reckless. I would disappear after I said goodbye, I tried to convince myself of this. His reaction was immediate. Within a moment I was thrust against the wall, his hand was against my throat, I couldn't breathe. I gagged, heaving to retrieve the air so suddenly stolen from me.

"Tore," I choked out. Immediately he released me from the hold.

"What are you doing here?" he demanded.

"Leaving." I said rubbing my neck gingerly.

"Sorry," He winced backing away a little embarrassed. "Why?"

"I wanted to say goodbye." I said lamely.

"No, why are you leaving?"

"Tierra's trying to wed me to a man."

"Why not just say no?" he asked, oblivious as usual.

"It's not that simple," I said frustrated, "listen it's almost dawn, I have to leave now."

For a moment I stood there awkwardly. Tore started looking around the room. He placed a small pile of assorted items on a table.

Then it hit me. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to meet you at the stable in three minutes," he said, ignoring my question.

"You can't–" I protested. "I was just going to say goodbye, this wasn't the plan."

"I'm going, you can argue about it later ok?" He said before adding, "Now of you don't mind I need to change."

I slipped out the window and headed towards the stable. I hadn't slept all night and was in no mood to argue. Some part of me was glad I wouldn't be alone. And another part screamed. Either way I would never return home.

Tore arrived at the stable, a small bag hung by two strong leather straps over his shoulder. I had only begun to saddle Faith when he came in. I couldn't leave her.  He took Eddie's tack and worked fast. He was quite awake for being awake for a grand total of five minutes. "So where are we off to?" He finally asked, while fitting the bridle into Eddies mouth.

"I don't know, but if you're coming you have to keep quiet." I said. I hadn't thought that far yet.

"West then?"

"I said shhh." I reminded him. "I was going to cross the cliffs, never been that far before." And we were off.

Two hours in the ride roughened. We reached the bridge and crossed with no difficulty, but as soon as it grew light enough to see trouble began brewing. Tore and I rode through the small village first. It was run by a small family of brewers, they made the finest ale in the Six Empires. By then the sun was just peaking over the horizon when we were stopped by a very red faced farmer.

"You there," He shouted, "Keep your bad luck and your money, we've nothing left." A very confused Tore replied that we had no intention of spreading bad luck, nor buying their land. And at that the red faced man very nearly spat on him screaming profanities."

"Perhaps we should continue on our way." I suggested. The less of a stir we created, the better our chances of getting out of here.

"We should stop." Tore said confidently.

"You did see the kind of welcome we recieved." I said anxiously.

"I know of a place." He said smiling lopsidedly.

We arrived at a small tavern. Tore entered with a saunter of someone who knew what they were doing. I followed. As we entered the establishment Tore put his arm lazily over my shoulders. I shot him a look, but he didn't pay any attention to me. As soon as he passed the threshold he kept his eyes up, scanning the room. We walked to the bar and Tore spoke to the tender. They came to an understanding almost immediately. I stood awkwardly awaiting bad news.

"We're upstairs." Tore said coming back to where I stood.

"And the horses?" I asked suspiciously.

"They're being taken care of." He smiled again and handed me the key. "I'll go ge the bags."

I walked up the stairs gingerly.

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