Chapter Twenty-Nine: Preparations

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Chapter Twenty-Nine: Preparations

I spent the rest of the day devising exactly how we would go about saving Tore. Part of me was excited to see him, though he wouldn't know I was there. But another part dreaded it, I wasn't sure the kind of person he would be. I'd only been gone for four months, but a lot could change in just a mere four months, I know I had.

Jase, against my advice, went out to prepare. He had been less than pleased with Kal and I after we talked. It wasn't an easy thing to have your life laid bare to a stranger, especially a stranger who could never understand. I could. I knew what it was to take lives. Most importantly I knew the told it took.

I tried to focus on positive things. I worried instead about when Jase would return. It was a long while before he did. In that time Kal force fed me more of the putrid tea I'd had when I first awoke. I tried my best to apply the healing salve to my back, but I couldn't reach far enough, and if I had the pain would be too great. Kal sat me down and gingerly applied the balm.

"If you keep trying to do everything yourself you're going to end up hurting yourself." He told me as I winced in pain. The only noticeable benefit of the balm was the numbing effect it had on the pain.  It was immediate, as soon as Kal was finished lathering up my back I felt almost as though nothing had happened. The only thing that tethered me back to reality were the trenches dug across my back. They'd only gotten a little better. Jase had asked me again after our talk, he'd asked again and again what had happened. I refused to tell him, it was personal.

Part of me wanted to share it, explain in full detail, but another part knew better. I skipped from one train of thought to another as Jase slipped through the door with an armful of what looked like cloth. I stayed impossibly still, it was hard, but moving would only make the wounds worse.

"What is all that?" I asked, some small tinge of desperation made me wonder what exactly was worth risking everything for. Jase seemed fraught with determination as he went about sorting the clothes, once he was finished he had two formal male outfits and a long gown. The gown repulsed me, by itself the gown was beautiful, but the thought of wearing it was enough to make my back hurt all over again. It was a low cut, both front and back. It was made of an amber and red silk, it seemed to flow effortlessly. It looked heavy, far to heavy for my likes.

"It's for tomorrow night." Jase said handing off the dress to me. I took it gingerly with both hands. "Do you like it?" He asked. It was a peculiar question, I always assumed Jase cared very little about preferences. What was important was the mission.

"It's a dress." I shrugged carelessly. The pain caught me off guard. My back. I realized with a sickening realization the dress had a low cut. All the scrapes would be visible. For a second sheer panic overwhelmed me. I caught my breath, my chest felt paralyzed. My terror seemed un-proportional to the problem. I couldn't calm myself down. Whatever it was must've shown on my face as I stood there terrified.

"What's wrong?" Jase asked, his concern was real. I swallowed hard.

"I can't wear it." My mouth felt dry and almost like it was full of cotton.

"Why not?" Kal asked looking a mix of disappointed and scared. There was a gaping silence.

"Her back." Jase said realizing what I meant.

"Oh." Kal said obviously feeling dumb. The silence prevailed for a moment longer. "What if we covered it?" Kal asked thinking sensibly.

"What with?" Jase asked skeptically.

"I know a girl with a lace dress." Kal said weakly. Before Jase could get another word in I spoke.

"It's worth a shot. Can we get it before tonight?"

The Necromanced (Being Edited 7/21/14)Where stories live. Discover now