Chapter Eighteen: Kings and Mistakes

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Chapter Eighteen: Kings and Mistakes

I immediately felt protective of the girl, she looked frightened. Her childish grin had been replaced with a terror which was hard to watch. I stepped partially in front of her.

"Name yourself!" Came the booming voice.

"Mariden of Rivershire." I said trying to keep my voice from shaking. The fear was contagious. I stood my ground.

"Well Mariden of Rivershire, I would advise you leave my granddaughter." His voice held an authority which made me catch my breath. I felt indignant, but stepped to stand beside the girl.

"I have given you my name, however sir, you have not." I pointed out as politely as I could. I felt as if I were playing with matches around fire balm.

"I am Niami of the Floating City, King and ruler. I demand you step away from my granddaughter before I have you expelled from my castle." His voice was one which seemed to have eyes of it's own to glare at me. I felt like stepping back, but still something held me here. We had a staring contest, he had icy blue eyes which seemed piercing and even painful to stare into. Finally I relented looking down. The little girl glanced around furtively, she seemed so little in comparison.

 "I didn't know," I said once again feeling lame, I was always making missteps around the royal family, they had an air about them which bred mistakes. I hated it, but I had to stay. I had caught work only a day ago that Lord Gorath had hired bounty hunters to get us back. I had no idea what I was worth to him, I'm just a farm maid anyhow. Well a farm maid who can raise things from the dead, but how could he know about that?

The King glared at my inattention. Like I was supposed to know who he was. I guess I didn't carry a painting with names attached to keep track of the royal family. "Miss Mariden," A voice came from down the hall saving me from making more of a mess than I already had. I recognized it immediately, Merrick. I wasn't sure how to respond, I barely had time to turn before a gentle hand rested on my shoulder keeping me still. I stopped realizing what I had almost done. Merrick explained later that if I were to turn my back on the king I would most likely either be banished or executed. I was very grateful for him. Not that I had a particularly nice head, I'd just prefer it to remain attached.

Merrick escorted me away before I made any more dangerous mistakes. He apologized to the King before taking me to the courtyard to practice. Thankfully I had something to take my mind off the little girl, and more importantly the nightmares. They had been getting ever more frequent, and then there was the matter of Jase. He had made it more than clear I wasn't welcome here.

Whack! The staff made contact with my side causing me to grimace. Merrick was merciless. It was all I could do to keep him at an arms length. He was older than I was, handsomely tanned. He had a mop of black hair which was neatly combed through. I blocked with my staff, again and again. He seemed to hit harder and harder as I blocked. I felt my arms weaken, he hit my staff again. This time my arms relented. I felt my grasp slip, it was all I could do to hold on. I tried to hit back, but my grip was too loose. I stepped back, he stepped forward. I swung one last time in a last ditch attempt at defending myself. He swung harder, this time knocking my staff away, I felt my body ache in protest. I tried desperately to regain my weapon but it was too late. I felt the staffs point press into my throat. I was defeated. I waited for him to let me up, but to my surprise he didn't. Instead he pressed the staff harder into my throat. It became hard to breath, I struggled to pull air into my lungs. It was as if he were trying to kill me. God my body aches. I thought. I had to fight back. He'd given me no choice.

I swung my arm knocking the base of the staff away from my neck springing to my feet. I felt my muscles ache like they were going to give out. I held my ground as he advanced. I stepped back to retrieve my staff. I barely had time to grab it from where it lay on the ground before Merrick came at me again. This time I used all my strength the swing at his calf, I heard a crack as I made contact. He let out a surprised cry of pain before his own staff clattered to the ground. I knew this was the only way I could finish this. I felt the adrenaline pumping through my veins. 

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