Chapter Twenty-one: A knock at the Door

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Chapter Twenty-one: A knock at the Door

I spent the next weeks meeting and greeting the finest royals the palace had to offer. I became ill tempered and often unruly. I disliked being constrained to the niceties of the palace. The dresses were uncomfortable, I was no longer allowed my usual apparel outside my rooms. Each dress seemed to be more ornate than the last, more jewels, tighter, brighter, and often heavier. It was no wonder the women of the palace were so dull, I began to wonder if it had to do with the lack of oxygen permitted to the brain.

The one thing I kept to myself in the dark hours of the night were my books, I had become an avid reader, and quite the recluse between parties. During the parties of course I was nothing but pleasant, smiling, and most of all ordinary. I met with princes, kings, queens, and dukes, lords, ladies, if they held a title I'd met them.

I found myself drifting, I could make conversation without thought, reply without worry; with ease even. I was to all outside eyes, a social butterfly.

I sat in my rooms after a particularly long and exciting ball, I was limp with exhaustion. I must've danced with a hundred young men, each with dreams and potentials gone to waste. It made me sick.

A knock came at the door. Four short raps, I caught my breath in my chest. I pulled on my gloves and carefully slipped away from my bed, still strapped into the evenings gown. I reached the door and opened it ever so slightly. Jase.

I opened it and watched as he looked from my hair to my uncomfortable shoes. I was wearing a dark crimson gown, it was draped tightly around the bodice encrusted with small stones lined with silver. The gown was breathtaking.

"Did you want something?" I asked breaking the silence.

"I just came to see of the rumors were true." Jase said softly.

"And?" I prompted out of curiosity.

"They certainly didn't fall short." He said, a nasty smirk taunting his lips.

"Well... As I can imagine gawking at a girl in a gown may be amusing, however, it's late." I said feeling the irritation set in. "And I'd like to retire for the evening."

"Then I'll bring this conversation to the conclusion; You're not fooling anyone." Jase said his voice low and dangerous. "Common folk who put on gowns and jewels are still at the end of the night just common folk." He looked into my eyes, the judgment clear, there was a raw hostility hidden there. It sent chills down my back, it felt as though someone had run their cold fingers along my spine.

"I think it's best you retire as well." I said with as much pleasantry as I could muster.

"I believe I will." He said still watching me. My stomach bunched into knots. I closed the door gently, the night was over. I let my heart beat fast, panic. I slid down my back against the door. I sat there the fear pumping through my veins. What was it that made me fear him so?

I felt the exhaustion take hold. It was a gift as I relented into it. It enveloped me. It surrounded me, I felt every part of me melt away. I let it take me.

A sound woke me. A quick knock against the door, it was dark. There was no light to be found anywhere. I stumbled about for a moment looking for a lamp to light. Anitea, the maid, had left early for the night, I'd asked her for peace and quiet on many nights after the royal outings. I regretted not asking for a lamp to be lit, but it was too late for regrets. I stumbled upon the table which held a lamp. My fingers fumbled with the flint. Finally it was alight, the brightness blurred my vision as I walked carefully to my door.

"Who is it?" I asked peering into the dark hallway. Thomas appeared from the shadows.

"I wasn't sure you'd be awake." He said sounding troubled.

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