Chapter Nineteen: Thomas

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Chapter Nineteen: Thomas

I got out of bed, my body was nearly screaming in my ears. Who in their right mind would be up? I pulled on a small robe and opened the door, there was no one there. Great prank calls in the middle of the night I grumbled irritatedly. I almost closed the door as I turned to go back to bed but I heard a little cough. I nearly jumped out of my skin before I looked down to see a small blonde messy mop of hair grinning up at me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked trying my best not to sound accusatory. The only answer she gave was a small shrug of her tiny shoulders.

"You want to come in?" I asked tentatively.

She shrugged again before walking past me through the door. I hoped she wasn't running away from her maids again. I felt bad for them really. I turned around after closing the door tight, I had taken to pushing a chair back to the door to keep anyone out, it made me feel safer.

As I headed back to what was now a pile of satin blankets on a mattress I realized the blonde mess of hair had taken over. I resigned myself to write while the night was young. Who knew how long this uninvited guest would stay. Carefully I retrieved my gloves and slid them on over my fingers. They were hot and uncomfortable but anything was better than touching someone. I took out the small book Tore had given me, I hadn't mentioned to Merrick about my unfortunate disadvantage. I thought it not worth his time to teach me, I was learning fine on my own after all.

I crawled into a small bench with cushions atop it. It was really quite comfortable. As for the Princess she slept soundly to the best of my knowledge. With the last thoughts of learning letters and traces of darker things on my mind I drifted off to a semi-dreamless sleep.

I woke early, as I had everyday, prolonging sleep was an unnecessary curse. I got dressed in my customary attire and headed about the castle in search for the kitchens. As soon as I reached them I ran into a large number of cooks and servants. To my surprise they were expecting me. I picked up a quick breakfast and headed out to the stables.

Faith was healthy enough to ride. I had been waiting for her to regain health for weeks now. Her chestnut coat held two more scars from the attack. I grabbed a saddle pad and gathered the tack. While heading to the tack room I ran into a pair to multicolored eyes. One green and the other blue. Thomas.

"Oh uh... Hi." I stuttered out awkwardly.

"Mariden, what brings you to the stable this early morning?" Thomas said with a slight smile.

"Just out for a ride, I'd have half the mind to ask you the same." I said, irked at the intrusion.

"I wasn't attempting to pry, my only fault is my curiosity. Forgive me." He said realizing the inappropriateness of the question. They were after all speaking on formal terms. It was customary around the palace to speak in the formal tongue.

"It's fine," I said trying not to stare. His eyes had that affect. "I believe I spoke out of turn as well... You wouldn't by any chance want to join me would you?" I asked hoping I didn't sound like a child.

"Yes that would be lovely, I was actually about to take Jaque out for a ride anyway."

"Okay great!" I said too enthusiastically. He gave me a slight smile and disappeared into the tack room. Moments later he came out with a saddle and bridle before he headed down the hall to a stall with a dapple grey horse. Jaque I guessed. I quickly tacked up Faith and we headed out towards the forest once again.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, how long do you intend on staying at the palace?" Thomas asked curiously.

"I don't know exactly." I said for once not trying to deflect the question.

The Necromanced (Being Edited 7/21/14)Where stories live. Discover now