Chapter 2 ***

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"I was just riding my horse and I lost track of time!" I explained to Baird with a light shrug. "It won't happen again, sir." Baird started off again before being cut off by Amy, the owner of the café. "He is just such a cranky lad, that Baird..." Amy said. "Of course he's my nephew so I can't fire him..."
I got to work scrubbing the many small tables sitting in the small dining area for our first customers. At around 9:00, we usually open and today was no different. Two older ladies, Gretchen and Lois, came in first. "Good morning, ladies!" I greeted them. Lois replied "Good morning Alice!"
      I took orders for multiple coffees and the yummy cinnamon rolls that our café is famous for. A tall figure strolled in. I instantly looked toward the door to greet the stranger. "Good morning sir!" He looked around before seeing me; and he waved shyly and tucked a lock of his dark, wavy hair behind his ear. After he had sat down, I went over to take his order and realized that the tall figure was Hozier. Andrew Hozier Byrne! My favorite musical artist! I'm standing next to Hozier! "What can I get for you, sir?"
He asked only for tea, so I went to fetch it. I nearly ran into Maeve, my close friend who works at the café too, and told her what had happened. Also a big fan of his, she squealed with joy and asked if she could deliver his order. I said "No silly! That's my job!"
     As I approached his table, he was humming a familiar tune. Someone New! I gently sat the cup of tea in front of him. He glanced at me, scratched at the back of his neck and said "Thank  you... Ehm... Alice?"
Omg! He knows my name! Well of course he does! I'm wearing a name tag! Maeve is peeking around the corner and by the looks of it, she has been watching us the whole time. Oh Maeve... When I get back to the kitchen, she gives out another girly squeal. "Youu liiiike hiiimmm!" She pokes me and says. Well who doesn't! Have you seen him? " Good observation" I say to her. "You've got to give him your number!" Maeve exclaims. Are you crazy? This is Hozier we're talking about! Not just some guy! "Haha Maeve. Maybe..."
      He finishes his tea and I go over to his table to get the bill. He starts to leave. I feel this magical moment slipping away. But he stops. "Ehm Alice? Will you be here tomorrow?" He asks. Absolutely! I'd be here every day if he was here too!
      "Yes! I work weekdays and Saturdays sometimes." A sheepish smile appears on his face. "See you tomorrow then, Alice." He then exits the café. Maeve rushes over, grinning like a kid in a candy store. "HE LIIIKES YOOUU TOO!!" I shake my head. Oh Maeve. Five o'clock comes slower than it ever has. I signed out and walked to my faithful black truck. "Did you behave today?" I asked kiddingly. I start it up and get some gas on the way home.
      Bella gallops to the gate as I pull into my gravel driveway. Skip jumps up to give me a hug as I feed Bella her dinner and head back to my house. I flop onto the couch and sigh. Today was so magical! I make some nachos for dinner and sit back to watch my favorite movie, a classic called Rushmore. It's about a boy named Max Fischer who falls in love with a teacher at his private school, Rushmore. He ultimately gets kicked out for trying to build her an aquarium in the middle of campus.
     I smile as I think to myself: I wonder if Hozier will be at the café tomorrow? I sure hope so!

Someone New-Hozier fanficOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant