Chapter 20 ***

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I hug Andy and whisper to him that everything will be ok. He is still a bit distant, like not all of him is with us right now. He wraps his arms around me and we fall asleep peacefully on his bed like that. Tomorrow we are heading to the next tour stop. I startle awake when my phone's horse text tone goes off on full volume. It's Maeve.

Hi Alice. Bella is acting up and is trying to run away with me when I ride her. What do I do???

I giggle and reply:

Hi Maeve! Just do a one-rein stop if it's out of control, but sit back and maybe only gallop away from the barn instead of back to it.

Andy sits up and rubs his eyes groggily. "Whut's so funny?" I shake my head. "Well apparently my rather lazy little mare just ran away with Maeve..." Andy raises an eyebrow. "We're talking about Bella?" I nod. "Yep. I thought surely it would be Benji but I guess not!" He laughs and looks at his alarm clock. 10:30. We really slept in this morning! "My sweet, we have to be ready in the hotel lobby for the bus by 12:00." Andy tells me gently. Since it's almost 11, we don't eat breakfast but instead watch some of Rushmore together. I pull out an industrial-size tub of animal crackers and Andy runs a hand through his hair and raises an eyebrow questioningly. "This is your idea of breakfast? A rather large tub of animal crackers that I don't know where the world you got from?" I nod quickly. "I have my ways of obtaining things like this." I say whilst protectively petting the sides of the container of crackers. While unscrewing the lid to the crackers, I glance over at Andy, who is hungrily staring at them. "Criticize me but want to eat my crackers? You're really lucky that I love you and am going to let you eat some."
He leaps off the bed and yells "YES!" with his fist in the air. I can't help but smile at my boyfriend's silly ways. I open up the container and offer it to Andy. He grabs a quite huge fistful of crackers with his long fingers and shoves all of them into his mouth simultaneously, resulting in and Andy who resembles a chipmunk before winter who has all of his acorns in his mouth. "Wut?" He nonchalantly asks as I quick snap a picture and giggle. "You can have your picture but don't post that on social media." He adds, seriously, after he swallows his large mouthful of animal crackers. "The fans would make... What are they called again? Memes...? Out of that picture." I nod. "You're quite right. In fact, as your biggest fan, I'm making a meme of that right now. " He looks over my shoulder at the meme on my phone and laughs.
I have placed his cheeks-stuffed picture with some text that reads: 'Winter is approaching." He looks indeed amused, so I have done something right. I realize suddenly that we have to get packing to be able catch the tour bus to The Coachella music festival! I rush around grabbing my stuff as Andy does the same. We are panting by the time we have everything, and not a moment too soon. It's already 11:55.
I challenge Andy to a race down to the lobby and his ridiculously long strides give him a huge advantage, and lead to him beating me. Mia is giggling as she sees me fly around a corner a few seconds after Andy has, and he leaps into the air with a victory shout when he sees that he has won the race. Our bus driver walks into the lobby at promptly 12:00 with Andy's manager. His manager fusses over him, dusting off a few animal cracker crumbs to make him "more presentable for the fans". I smirk at him as she asks him random and slightly awkward questions such as "Did you brush your hair?" And "Why is your shirt wrinkled?". He raises and eyebrow and retorts, "Well you're next, so don't be so smirky, little Alice!" His predictions are correct and our manager flies over to me and smooths down some flyaway hairs and straightens my glasses. "Oh, Alice! You smell like a horse!" I giggle and grab my suitcase handle and my guitar and I head out to the waiting bus with the band.
We load our luggage into its compartment and get into our seats. I sit next to Andy and he holds my hand and kisses me. Mia and Rachel teasingly say "Oooooo!" In the seat across from us. Andy blushes and looks the other way, embarrassed, with a chuckle and pushes some of his mane out of his eyes. I pull out my phone and look at some old pictures of the horses. Andy gets an awkward burst of excitement and practically screams when he sees a picture of him with Benji. "THAT'S ME!! ALICE SEND ME THAT PICTURE!!" I get hiccups from laughing at his silliness along with the rest of the band. Andy and Alex make goofy faces at each other from across the bus. I sneakily get a few pictures of them and send them to Maeve, knowing all-to-well about her "secret" crush on Alex. She doesn't reply right away, because she's probably at work or riding Bella/Benji right now.
      I fiddle with my extremely tangled earbuds and make a sad attempt at using them. I finally get them untangled and put my left one in my ear and play a random song. Andy notices the right earbud is dangling right next to him so he picks it up and puts it in his ear.
      I blush when he notices that I'm listening to his music and offer to maybe turn on Bon Iver or Gaslight Anthem instead, but he shakes his head. "But really, Alice. If we do happen to ever have kids, let's name them Jackie and Wilson. Deal?" He says spot-on in the chorus of 'Jackie and Wilson' and puts his hand out to shake on our deal. I nod and shake his hand. "I couldn't agree more, Andy." I seal the deal with a kiss to his cheek.
      The bus ride goes quite fast and soon we are at the grounds of Coachella and I'm shaking, I'm so excited. "Holy s**t. Is this even real?" Andy gasps next to me as we take in everything going on around us. I grab my guitar out of the bus and everyone is picked up by golf carts driven by security guards and we are driven to the stage we will perform on tomorrow afternoon. We just mess around a bit, as it's nearly time to get to the hotel we'll be staying at. Andy picks up his guitar and puts mine into my hands and asks what we should play.
      I shrug. "You can pick today, Baby."
He smiles and starts strumming 'Skinny Love' by Bon Iver. I squeal and exclaim "How'd you know I love this song?" He looks up from his favorite guitar, whom we refer to as his 'second girlfriend', "Just a guess..." I play the same part on my guitar and we duet. This duetting thing becomes a very regular event at our future concerts and it's a really special time for both Andy and I.
      It's time to leave for our hotel and we reluctantly leave the really cool Coachella stage and board the bus. We arrive at the hotel eerily late, at 12:00 midnight. The front desk lady in the lobby is slightly creepy and she whispers something weird to Andy as she hands him the keys to our room. His eyes look around, startled and he takes up my hand protectively. I look up at him concerned and begin to ask him what she said.

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