Chapter 12 ***

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Hi guys! It's Lanie again! If you're wondering what Smokey, mentioned in one of the last chapters looks like, he's the black horse in front, the other horse is Bella. **to be clear, Smokey is still living in real life

I sat my phone down and heard a deep, zombie-like groan from Maeve. I giggled as she stumbled into the bathroom next to me. "How'd yu git so purty already?" She asks, still 3/4 asleep. I giggle again, "While you were sleeping, I made myself look like I didn't sleep in a King size bed with a flailing maniac," I shot a kidding pointed look at Maeve, "and her comrade, Captain I-Steal-All-Of-The-Space-For-Myself." I finish, glancing at Skip, who was fumbling through the blankets for a long-lost chew toy.
I finally get done getting ready, and I check on my horses one last time before it's time to leave. I try not to cry as Bella snuffles in my hair and scarf, and Benji wraps hisself around me. I kiss each velvet-soft muzzle, ask for them to be great for Maeve, and finish with a hug for both of them. I shake off sad thoughts about the horse-withdrawal I would experience while on tour in America, and walk with purpose back to the house, where Maeve has waffles waiting for me. We eat in happy/sad silence, and then load my stuff and Skip, who was coming along, into Snowy's backseat and Skip's travel crate into the back. I put my horse boots in my luggage last-second, just in case. I for once sit on the passenger side, and Maeve drives me to Dublin to meet the band.
Andy wraps me in a hug, and nods to Maeve. "So this is the wonderfully wild Maeve I have heard so much about." He says with a grin. Maeve giggles and tucks a long strand of crazy red hair behind her ear. "And this is ever-so-charming Andy you've heard so much about." I said with a smirk. I hugged Maeve tightly, and she grabbed my shoulders in a firm grasp. "Alice. No tears. Ok?" 
I nodded and wiped a tear off my face. "No tears."
      I recruited a cart from an airport employee to put Skip's crate onto. Maeve hugged me one last time and I told her thank you and she began to pull Snowy away after I had grabbed all of my bags and Skip. The band and I began to head to Gate 4, where our plane to San Francisco was about to load up. We dropped off our luggage and I sent Skip with his caretaker. Andy squeezed my hand and looked lovingly down at me. Just as he opened his mouth to say something, a young girl ran up to him with a pen and a picture of Andy's album in her hand. "Omg! Hozier! Can you sign this for me?"
Andy chuckled and asked "What's your name, young lady?" She blushed nervously. "April. Thank you so much for signing my picture! This totally made my day!"
      She ran off to her family and showed them what Andy signed. He kissed my hand and led me to the row of chars in Gate 4 to wait for our plane to load. Mia and Rachel chatted excitedly about their first 3 concerts at The Masonic in San Francisco. Alana rubbed her neck nervously and looked at Andy. "My throat is all red and it has hurt for the past 2 days... I really hope it doesn't affect our show." Andy quickly nodded and looked at me. "Alice. Just in case Alana's throat isn't better by Thursday, can you sing the duet 'In A Week' with me?" My eyes widened. Surely he would at least pick one of his other singers to sing rather than me? I nervously half-smiled. "I would have to practice a few times first, but I would be happy too." Andy sighed with relief and Alana said she would teach me the female part of the song. An electronic, monotone voice came over the loudspeaker, announcing that our plane was loading. We gathered our carry ons and went down the narrow tunnel to our plane. This is it. Farewell, Ireland. Andy placed one of his quite large hands on my shoulder. We sat down in the front of the plane, getting ready to take off. Mia and Rachel sat across from us and Rory and Alex behind us. Lorraine and Alana sat adjacent from Mia and Rachel. Once everyone had loaded, the pilot told everyone to buckle up for takeoff.

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