Chapter 7 ***

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The picture is what I imagine Alice's flat would look like.
      My heart fluttered at the thought of Andy being my boyfriend. I peeked at my Instagram feed before I went to bed, long after Andy had gone home. He had posted a cute picture of me astride Bella in the sunset. The comments, nearly all 457 of them were young girl fans, asking who I was. I snorted, and a giggle escaped me.
      Some commented things along the line of "IM YOUR GIRLFRIEND!!" "DONT BETRAY ME ANDREW!" And "WHO TF IS THAT?!"

      I texted him.
Did you see the fan's comments on the picture of Bella and I? They're really funny!

Yeah... Ehm they were quite the entertainment. Would you like to come visit my studio tomorrow?

Yes please! What time should I meet you there?

Does around 10:30 am work for you?

Yes! See you then!

      I sighed happily and put on my navy blue horse-patterned pajamas and hopped into my bed on the second floor of my home. Rain thudded softly on my roof, a calming sound I relished. Skip sprung onto my bed at the first flash of thunder. My eyes closed and soon I was fast asleep.
      6:30 hit fast. I blinked and sat up. I opened the shades, and looked out on a wonderful morning. I pulled on a blue sweater with white horses trotting across it. I grabbed some black leggings to pair with it.
      I jogged to the barn, which was warm and dry, and smelled so lovely. The hay+horses+grain+saddles combined added together for a heavenly scent. Bella nickered at me, and Benji's whinny rumbled low in his deep, strong chest. They were now in the same pen as each other and seemed to get along very well. I scooped grain for both horses and started to clean their pen.
      Bella nudged me and was begging me to scratch above her tail, her trademark itchy spot.  She nuzzled me and pushed me with her refined, but still very strong head.
      I high tailed it to the house to make tea and eat some strawberry waffles. As I ate breakfast, I looked at my boyfriend's website. My heart stopped when I read the '2015 Tour Dates'. It was late January, and Andy and his band left in the beginning of March for America. Tears clouded my vision. He'd be gone for a year...

The rain was starting to come on again. I pulled on a spotted raincoat and sparkly black wellies. Andrew texted me.

Hi Alice! You can ride Bella or Benji over if you would like or drive. I do not mind.

I will maybe bring Bella today. See you in a little bit.

I slipped Bella's nylon bridle on today, so her nice leather one would not get soaked in the rain. Her strong back was still fluffy and dry since we hadn't yet left the barn. I threw a waterproof sheet over her back so she wouldn't catch a chill from the rain. No saddle today, Bella and I trotted quickly up the road to Andy's house. He was waiting on the porch. I waved, and he smiled. He led Bella and I to an old paddock in his backyard, near a Weeping Willow tree. It had a small shed, and he said Bella could stay in there.
He showed me back to his house, and invited me inside. I spun around and took it all in. It was absolutely beautiful! There were vinyl records lining the walls and it smelled of leather and soap. We climbed up a narrow staircase to his attic, where he writes all his music. The walls were somewhat covered in posters with artists like Nina Simone and various blues artists. Guitars sat in rows along the window and a keyboard was sitting in the corner. He spread his arms out and looked at me. "Here it is"
I turned around and took it all in. All I could say was "wow".
Andy sat down and put on some headphones, and grabbed a guitar off the stand next to his stool. He started playing the intro to 'Like Real People Do'. He glanced at me and smiled gently. He played the song out, and this gesture of kindness brought tears to my eyes. He sat his guitar and headphones down and pulled me in for a hug. Next thing I know, he gives me a kiss on the cheek. Is this even real?
I'm startled back to reality as the doorbell rings, and Elwood runs down the stairs to greet whoever is at the door. Andy motions for me to follow him downstairs to answer it.

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