Chapter 5 ***

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Hi everyone! It's Lanie :) the picture above is me. I am pictured with the real life Bella. Thank you for reading this far <3

      We headed to my small house, a simple cabin built by my grandpa. Andrew opened the door for me, how very gentlemanly of him. I gave Skip his dinner and asked Andy if he wanted anything to drink. He simply asked for his trademark tea. So both of us sat there, sipping tea like the Kermit the frog meme. We were happy and everyone else's stuff was none of our business.
      He asked what kind of movies I liked. I shrugged. "Super Troopers and Rushmore are my two favorites." "I have not seen those two yet. We should most certainly watch them." He concluded.
      I made popcorn; and being the crappy cook I am, we ate microwave  popcorn rather than the homemade stove-pop kind. Andy decided we should watch Super Troopers first. We cracked up when the stoner is in the back of Officer Ramathorn and Officer Rabbit's car and licks the window. The stoner then takes his tongue off the window, looks at his friends, and says "These snozberries taste like snozberries!"
      My phone neighs at me. I glance at the screen; tomorrow is the Dublin horse auction. I go stiff. I forgot! I'm picking up a companion for Bella! I need to prepare my extra stall, trailer, and extra tack and feed. Andy looks concerned as he gazes over at me. "Alice, are you ok?" I push some hair out of my face. "Yeah, I just have to go pick up a horse in Dublin tomorrow..."
      A childish grin spreads across his face. "Can I have the pleasure of accompanying you, Alice?" A giggle escapes me. "I didn't know you were the horsey-type, Andy!" He stuffs his face with popcorn. "Suu I canh?" He tries to say, looking like a chipmunk with his cheeks chock-full of acorns.
I nearly fall of the couch laughing. "I suppose"
      Andrew heads home after a magical night of popcorn, laughs, and of course the tea. He promises to meet at my place at 6:30 am tomorrow. I bust my arse getting everything ready for the big day. Fresh straw in the trailer: check. Extra stall clean and ready: check. Tack and feed ready: check. I collapse on my bed; not even bothering to take off my flannel and jeans before I fell asleep.
      My alarm goes off. YESSS the big day! Bella is extra frisky, energetic as a dandy lion puff on a gusty day. I dump grain into her box, and walk tiredly back to the house to get ready to go pick up the new horse.
      Andy pulls into my gravel driveway, an hour early. I lean on my countertop, laughing under my breath. I open the door to him, and he exclaims "I'm not usually the kind of guy to get up this early; but Alice, you're worth it." My heart warms at the thought of his getting up this early for me.
      My Dodge Dakota waits faithfully outside for me to go hook up the trailer. Andy watches, fascinated, as I test the tires, attach the wires, and hook the white bumper-hitch trailer to the truck I had thoughtfully named "Snowy" as a child, well knowing the truck was pitch black. Ehh, I didn't care about the color. Snowy is a hella good name.
      Andrew and I grab our teas, snacks, and with one last test of the trailer's integrity, we pulled out of my property. Even being as big as my truck was, Andy looked comically large in it. I looked over and I smirked. "What. Is it my statement glasses?" He fingered his adorable glasses and looked over at me.
      The hour and a half to Dublin passed rather quicker than usual, with Andy in the passenger's seat. Having the small, lanky 5'4 profile I have, getting out of my beloved Snowy is a funny thing to watch. I hopped a few feet to the ground as Andy merely stepped down and closed the car door.
      I grabbed an old red halter I had since I was 10, and we set off to find a suitable companion for my dear Bella. The crowds had drawn around magnificent Dutch warm bloods, gleaming like new coins, and the very gentlest of ponies, but Andy pointed out a rather unnoticed dappled grey standing patiently beside his owner, far away from the groups of people. I asked the owner a few questions about the horse's specialties, breed and other various stuff. The owner looked at Andy with recognition. "You sing that song 'Take Me To Church' right?" He shrugged. "Yeah"
      I handed the owner the horse the 2250 euro he was asking for, and we headed out. 'Benji' was the newest member to my family. Andy had watched me show the owner my id and exclaimed "YOU'RE ONLY 23?" I giggled, scratching my neck, "Haha, yeah."

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