Chapter 3 ***

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    I lept out of bed today. I was so excited to possibly see Hozier again... I once again listened to his songs while feeding Bella. For our morning ride, we galloped up the road towards the house we heard music coming from. Nothing but silence and birds calling... Bella's ears remained relaxed and didn't perk up at anything. Strange... I looked at the large windows of the house, and saw a tall man walk up to the window to see outside. I panicked, for I could see that he was there, intently staring at Bella and I. Hozier lives a mile away from me! My heart squeezed at the lovely thought. But as great as it was, I had to head home so as not to be late for work.
                       *    *    *    *
      Andrew's (Hozier's) Perspective

     Is that Alice? I peeked out my window and saw a strikingly beautiful girl on a white horse. She looked very similar to Alice I had met at the café yesterday. I looked down at Elwood, my dog, who sat contentedly beside my feet. I patted his head "you're my favorite lad."
                    *    *    *    *

          Alice's perspective

     C'mon Bella! Hurry home!
I quickly took Bella back to her barn and ran up to the house. I take a super short shower and head out to my truck. Bella and Skip eye me sadly as I pull away. 'Jackie and Wilson' comes on my radio, to my delight. As I drive, I silently sing along. We'll steal a Lexus, be detectives, ride round pickin' up clues. We'll name our children Jackie and Wilson, raise em' on rhythm and blues... My truck pulls into the café parking lot and I look at the clock: 7:50. Ten minutes early! Eat it, Baird! I stroll in and start working. At around 9:00, Lois and Gretchen walk in to order their usual coffee and cinnamon rolls. The day drags on until around 11:45.
       And then who strolls in but Andrew himself, wearing a tan leather jacket and slate grey flannel with jeans. He's here! "Good morning!" I greet him. "Hello, Alice." He replies. He sits at the same table as usual and looks around somewhat awkwardly. How did I get so lucky? I pull out a note sheet to take his order on.

       "What can I get for you today?" I ask. He looks down at his shoes, faded maroon Doc Martens, and says "Ehm... Just some tea for me today. Thank you"
I hurry off to pick up the orders. I can see his reflection in the kitchen mirror. He gathers up his gorgeous locks into one fist and he does it. He puts it in a man bun! The little girl inside me wants to squeal.
        The tea is ready so I take it out to his table, a modest little two seater. My phone goes off: he hears it. My ringtone is his own song 'Someone New'. My cheeks turn red. I hear a gentle chuckle. "You like that song?" He asks. "Yeah..." I awkwardly scratch my neck and give him his tea. "I like that song too" he says. "I should, as I wrote it!" He laughs. He looks up at me. I blush. "You are so talented." I tell him. He chuckles. "Thank you, Alice."

      I nod, and hurry back to the kitchen to pick up some orders to deliver to other customers. At around 2:00, Andrew decided to head out. I sighed, and wondered if indeed I would see him again. But as he was walking out, he stopped me as I was going back to the kitchen and gave me a small, folded paper and shyly smiled. "Ehm, this is my number if you... Ehm ever want to meet for tea..."
       I gave him my number, because who wouldn't give Andrew. Hozier. Byrne. Their phone number? "Thank you! I will have to take you up on that." I said, blushing.
I watched him walk out, and he glanced once back at me, and tucked some of his mane behind his ear.
Ahhh... Today was absolutely wonderful... Maeve came crashing around the corner, and exclaimed "HE GAVE YOU HIS NUMBERRR!" I nervously braided and unbraided my hair, and nodded. "Yeah... I didn't think he actually liked me!"

My phone went off and I looked at the screen:

Hi Alice, it's Andrew. Do you want to meet for dinner tomorrow at the new restaurant on Main Street?

Absolutely! I would love to! What time?

Does 6:30 work for you?

Yes! See you then!

Someone New-Hozier fanficWhere stories live. Discover now