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"Nicholas, what are you doing?" Gaby asked as she walked into his office and saw him huddled over his desk looking at a bunch of papers. She let out an aggravated sigh, after all of these years she still could not get the man to leave his work alone until after dinner.

Leaning against the doorway she said, "Nicholas Gregorio, dinner has started over ten minutes ago and you are not at the table."

"Sorry Gabs I'm trying to go through these interview profiles." He mumbled as he turned the page he was reading.

"For what?"

"Elijah's new secretary." Nick said finally looking up at Gaby he could tell that her curiosity has been piqued.

"Oh let me take a look," she said rushing over to his desk and picked up a few of the profiles.

"Nope, nope, nope," she said tossing the profiles away.

"What's wrong with her, I interviewed her she seemed very compatible with Elijah." Nick asked holding up the profile and stared at the picture of the pretty brunette from Columbia.

"This is Elijah we are talking about. Do you want to hire him a secretary or a new playmate?" Gaby said snatching the paper away from Nick.

"You're right,"

Gaby went through each and every profile and rejected each one.

"Gaby do you know how much time it took to pick all of these people out from the pool of applicants."

"Let me do my job Nicholas," Gaby said pressing her hand to his mouth.

"But it's not your job, it's mine," Nick said pushing her hand away and Gaby shot him a look that told him to be quiet.

"You're biased to qualifications and your alma mater, and that is exactly what Elijah does not need. I know exactly what my baby needs." Gaby said as she picked up the final profile from the pile. Gaby quietly read through the resume and the cover letter and a smile slowly spread across her face. She stared at the profile picture and she had a really good feeling about the young girl there was something in her bright honey colored eyes and easy smile that gave her a sense of reassurance.

"Her, Odette Pratt, she's the one," Gaby said handing Nick the profile. Nick looked down at the resume and frowned.

"I don't know, there are so many other people who were way more qualified than her."

"Nick she's the one, she's exactly what Elijah needs."

"I'll think about it."

"Did you even look at her interview evaluation?"

"I did and the only outstanding point is that she speaks two languages."

"Which means she's smart-" she said snatching the profile from him "-she is a well-mannered and articulate woman with quick decision-making skills." Gaby read aloud from one of the reference letters. "So are the other twenty candidates you rejected."

"I am telling you she is the one, hire her."

Nick let out a sigh knowing that his wife would not give in when she felt like she was so right.

"Alright fine Gaby, I will hire her," he said as he wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Good now let's go eat," Gaby said pulling Nick away from his desk with a satisfied smile. The pieces were finally coming together it was almost time for the game to begin.

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