A Step Between Yearning and Happiness

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"What did you do!" Odette yelled as she stared at her mother in complete shock. Noting could have prepared her for what her mother had done.

"Stop being so dramatic." Evangeline said as she pulled her frozen daughter in to the room and closed the door.

Odette blinked rapidly hoping that she would wake up from this bizarre dream, she stared at her mother's buzz cut and wonder what had transpired in the last twenty-four hours that brought on such a change.

"Stop staring at me, you're making me feel self-conscious." She said as she shrugged on her sweater.

"I'm in complete disbelief right now." Odette said as she sat down in a chair almost missing it completely.

"You know that it was thinning, so I had your brother come and cut it for me last night."

"But...I...wow mom." Odette said with a sigh as she ran her hand down her face when suddenly it hit her that Evangeline mentioned her brother.

"Rodney was here last night?"

"Yeah, he's been back for a few days now. I'm surprised you haven't seen him yet." She said while pulling on a stocking cap.

"I'm not." Odette mumbled, every time she thought about her brother she wanted to break something. Rodney had disappeared after their grandmother's funeral leaving her and Evangeline with the bulk of the funeral costs. She hadn't told her mother how Rodney had stolen her bank card and drained her account.

"Where is he staying? Did you give him any money?" Odette was ready to find her brother and beat him down to a pulp.

"He didn't say but I'm sure he's staying with Quinton until he finds a place. I am just so happy that he finally decided to come back home." Evangeline beamed, she knew that her son had a drug problem and that was why he avoided her; but she felt that since he was back in the state, she could finally get him some help.

"Did you give him money?" Odette asked again.

"Actually he gave me money." She said handing Odette an envelope; inside was a 'Thinking of You' card and a check for a thousand dollars. Odette couldn't help but wonder what scheme Rodney was pulling now.

"I'll take care of this for you." Odette said as she pocketed the check. "Let's go get breakfast."

"Okay let me put my wig on."

"Oh god you got a wig too!" Odette groaned as she watched Evangeline plop on her wig.

"You look like you could be a Supreme. There is no way you are going outside looking like that." She said as she rummaged through her book bag and pulled out an extra hat and handed it to her mother.

"Wear this until we can get you something decent."

"I thought it was cute." Evangeline pouted as she pulled the hat on over the voluminous hair.

The first stop was to the closest wig shop Odette could find. After an hour of searching she was able to find one that they both were able to agree on. The wig was similar in texture to Evangeline's natural fine, wavy hair and was thick enough to satisfy her need for voluminous hair. They had spent so much time in the shop that their plans for breakfast had turned into plans for lunch. As they sat across from each other at the table Odette was able to get a good look at her mother. It hurt her heart to see how the chemotherapy was taking her through. Her radiant skin had dulled, wrinkles marred her once smooth skin, her once healthy frame was now thin and frail. Odette couldn't wait for Evangeline to finish her chemotherapy so she could get back to the mother she was used to.

"Stop staring." Evangeline said waving her hand in front of Odette's face. "How are things with Elijah? He called me the other day."


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