Movin' On Up

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Aaliyah rushed in to the elevator and rapidly pressed the tenth floor button, she only had two minutes before she needed to meet Nick to deliver his flash-drive. The silver doors began to close when a hand pulled the door back.

Oh come on. She thought as she rolled her eyes. Adam stepped in to the elevator and she immediately dropped her head and began to fiddle with her cell phone.

"So how long will this continue?" Adam asked as the elevator began its ascension. Aaliyah looked up at him and frowned.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I'm talking about you avoiding me. You've been working here for almost a month and you haven't come see me."

"I don't work in your department so there is no need for me to see you. I didn't know we had the type of relationship where I had to make it a priority to seek you out. Or did you forget?" The elevator stopped on the tenth floor and the doors swung open. Aaliyah stepped out of the elevator and walked away without looking back.

"You're late Gregorio." Nick said sternly as he waited for his daughter outside of the conference room.

"Sorry sir, some douchebag held the elevator up." She said with a scowl. "Here's your flash-drive."

"You've worked hard today I think I'll take you out for lunch." Nick beamed he just loved having his baby girl working for him and knowing that she wanted to follow in his footsteps.

"Yay, I'm starving." She confessed.

"Prepare the drafts for me to look over while I'm in this meeting and we will go after I'm done."

"Yes sir." Aaliyah said giving him a salute before turning on her heels to go about her business.


"It's lunch time my darling," Elisa sung over the intercom disrupting Odette from her work.

"Just give me five minutes," she said as she tried to finish up the email she was writing to confirm an appointment for Elijah. Odette had only been working at GRP for two weeks but the team immediately embraced her as one of their own. She found herself striking up a great rapport with Elisa, they would often have lunch together and Elisa would entertain her with outlandish stories from her college days.

"Hurry, I heard Mud truck is supposed to be downstairs today."

"Mud truck?"

"Oh you poor thing, wait until you try their special it will change your life."

"Okay, okay I'm coming" Odette said with a laugh as she sent her last email and closed her laptop. She felt accomplished, she had finished everything she had set out to do for the morning. Elijah was still away on business and it gave her more time to relax into her new responsibilities without having to worry about following behind Elijah.

"Elisa sent me to drag you out of here. She's already in line waiting for us." Adam said as he leaned against the doorway and watched Odette pack her purse.

"She's so impatient, I told her I was coming."

"You don't get in the way of the woman and her Mud truck special," he said with a laugh as he linked arms with Odette as they headed for the elevators.

"What is that on your face?" Adam asked as he cupped her chin and turned her head towards him. Odette breath hitched as he entered into her personal space and his thumb brushed up against her cheek. The elevator doors opened in time for Elijah to see the somewhat intimate moment.

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