Professionalism Exit Stage Left

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The car stopped in front of a gated mansion, there were pink and purple balloons covering the golden gate. The driveway was filled with cars and Odette could hear music playing in the distance.

What type of business lunch is this?

"Where are we?" she asked as Elijah punched in the security code for the gate.

"One of my favorite client's house."

"This isn't a house; this is a mansion." Odette said as the golden gates open and Elijah drove up the sprawling driveway. Odette stared up at the house as the car shut off.

"I hope you're hungry." Elijah said as he got out of the car and began to walk up to the door expecting for Odette to be right behind him. He turned around and saw her still sitting in the car, with a sigh he walked back and opened her door.

"Will you be joining me sometime today your highness?"

"You don't need me; I'll just wait here." Odette said folding her arms across her chest, she was determined not to move from her seat.

"I'm not leaving until you get out of the car."

"I don't like surprises Elijah, if I am to do my job properly you need to be upfront with me." she said firmly. She did not like being left in the dark. She had no idea who they were meeting or what the meeting was about. When Odette looked up at Elijah she noticed the smile on his face.


"Nothing, our clients name is Javier Arjona, his family has been in the oil business for over a century but Javier decided to make his money by owning several resorts. Today we are going to talk about building a larger headquarters. Now that you're all filled in—" Elijah bent down and reached over Odette and unbuckled her seatbelt. "--Let's go Ms. Pratt we're already late."

Odette begrudgingly got out of the car, Elijah closed the door and turned on the alarm just to insure that she didn't run back to the car. They walked up to the door and before they could ring the doorbell the door swung open to a couple arguing in Spanish. Odette eyes stretched with surprise as Elijah's body shook with laughter. The man noticed Elijah and Odette and quickly tuned his wife out.

"Eli you made it!" the man bellowed as he pulled Elijah in to the house. Elijah grabbed Odette's hand and pulled her along inside with him.

"My love we have company; we will continue our discussion later." He said sweetly as his wife gave him a look worth a thousand deaths before stomping away muttering to herself.

"I apologize for that— "he said with an embarrassed laugh as he raked his hands through his dark curly hair. "— she wants another kid, as if the five we have isn't enough." His gaze fell on to Odette who was trying very hard to hide behind Elijah.

"Hello, who are you?" he began to reach for Odette's hand when Elijah put a protective arm around her shoulders.

"Javier this is Odette my new secretary."

"Secretary? "Javier looked down at Odette then back at Elijah and he laughed "It's nice to meet you Odette. Today is my daughter's eighth birthday so I hope you don't mind helping us celebrate before we talk business." Javier said as he linked arms with Odette and escorted her to the backyard leaving Elijah behind. Children's laughter lit up the atmosphere when they stepped in to the backyard. Children were running around, some were dancing to the music, while others were playing in the pool, and group of boys chased each other with water guns.

"Daddy can I open my presents now?" a little girl dressed in a pink and purple princess dress, her hair, dark and curly like her father, was pulled up in to two long pigtails and finished off with a pink crystal tiara. She gave her father a full smile off her missing front teeth.

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