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Odette wandered aimlessly down the bustling sidewalk as she tried to waste the rest of her lunch break. She was on her own today since Elisa and Adam had plans and Elijah had a networking function to attend. With Christmas around the corner, she decided to step into a department store to find something for Elijah. Odette kept putting it off after not being able to make up her mind on what to get him. She knew that he wasn't expecting anything expensive, but she wanted to get something that suited his taste. After half an hour, she gave up and decided to head back to the office.

As she approached the entrance, she noticed Elijah's town car pull up. She was about to approach as Fred opened the door but stopped when a woman stepped out first. The woman was gorgeous, she had flawless sun-kissed mocha skin complemented the beautiful red pea-coat she wore. The embellished vintage style cloche beanie she wore rested on her head like a crown giving her a regal-like appearance. Elijah got out of the car behind her, and the woman embraced him. A captivating smile lit up her face, touched with a hint of amusement as she hit his arm playfully. Odette wanted to jump on her just for thinking that it was okay to touch him. Odette knew that it was childish of her to want to keep all available women away from Elijah, but she couldn't help but be possessive of him. He was her gift, and Odette did not want to share. The woman said something to Elijah, and his response made her frown, seemingly bored with his presence she waved him off dismissively as she slid back into the car.

Having her fill of the scene playing out before her Odette rushed into the building.

Odette do not jump to conclusions. She thought while riding the elevator but the more Odette thought about it, the more she wanted to know just who that woman was, and why Elijah was with her. Odette sat down at her desk and waited for Elijah to arrive. Taking slow breaths while walking into Elijah's office as he sat down at his desk.

"How was your meeting?" she asked as she handed Elijah a stack of documents to look over.

"Productive," he said without looking at her. Odette cleared her throat causing him to look at her. "How was your lunch?" he asked.

"Okay." She murmured. Elijah noticed her flat response and wondered what was wrong. Since coming back from Paris, Elijah's workload had picked up, and he had less time to spend with Odette. There was a lot of moves being made that would change the direction of GRP, some of which Elijah had to keep secret even from Odette, which was something he was not used to. To keep his poker face, Elijah tried his best to limit their time together; and he figured that she was feeling a bit neglected.

Elijah stood up and walked around his desk, closing the distance between them. His gaze softened as he locked eyes with her and Odette knew exactly what he was up to.

"Elijah don't— "she said taking a step back. Elijah tugged at her blazer pulling her into him, his hands slipped around her waist and rested on the small of her back. "We're at the office." She said in a half-hearted attempt to remind Elijah of their agreement.

"I know," he said giving her a smile that dulled her senses and surrendered all her control to him. The moment their lips touched she forgot all about the woman and her insecurities. It was mind-boggling to her how Elijah always seemed to know exactly what she needed and when. Sometimes it made her feel inadequate as a partner. Even though she could sense the shifts in his mood, at work, she knew what to do, but at home when they were alone she was still hesitant to act on her impulses. Odette wished that she could just be more.

"Do you have any plans tonight?" he asked catching her off guard— as if she ever had any plans.

"No, I don't have any plans."

"Lucky me." he beamed "I've been neglecting my duties, I owe you a week worth of dinner."

"You do, I don't know how I've survived." She said feigning a frown.

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