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Odette let out a sigh of exhaustion, she felt like she had been in the sky for a week before the plane finally touched down in Lyon where a limo waited to take her home. During the ride, Odette called Elijah to thank him for giving her such a wonderful flight, but the call just rang before going to voicemail. Too tired to even care, Odette tossed her phone into her bag and put her head back as she closed her eyes. The limo came to a stop, and Odette sat straight up as the door opened. Odette stepped out and looked around the neighborhood which had such a different feel at night. The soft glow of street lamps lit up the sidewalk, her only company was a stray cat that sang the song of its people as she walked up the stairs. 

Her driver escorted her up to her apartment with her luggage in tow. Once inside Odette thanked the man before handing him a twenty-dollar tip. With a yawn, she closed the door with her foot. She walked into the living room and stopped dead in her tracks. The living room was illuminated by the soft glow of candlelight. Music played softly in the background as she realized that her apartment looked completely different from the last time she had seen it filled with a few IKEA pieces she had picked out and moving boxes everywhere.

"Look who finally made it,"Elijah's voice said seeming to come from thin air. Odette turned towards the direction of his voice and saw him standing in the doorway of the living room. Tears filled her eyes as Odette dropped her purse and ran into Elijah's arms, the impact caused him to falter a step as Odette wrapped her limbs around him.

"You jerk," she cried as she tightened her hold on him.

"Well hello to you too Ducky," he chuckled as he gave her a squeeze.

"You have no idea how mad you made me," she said as she kissed his cheek, "I thought you were being petty."

"I was in a way, but you're the one who said I couldn't come to the airport," he laughed as he set her down on her feet "But you didn't say I couldn't meet you here." He finished rather pleased with himself for pulling his stunt off successfully.

"You are so sneaky, but I love you,"

"I love you more," Elijah said as he kissed her lips, setting everything right in her world.

"How did you manage to get here before me?"

"I left a few hours after you went to sleep, so I had about a twelve-hour head start," Elijah said as he led her to the sofa and sat down. "It's a good thing you're a heavy sleeper," he laughed.

"Oh my god this sofa feels like heaven." She said stretching out, and she finally had an opportunity to take in her surroundings and realized that Elijah had done more than just surprise her.

"You furnished my apartment, and unpacked everything."

"Don't get upset, but those little IKEA pieces you had were just sad, and I had to do something." Elijah offered up as Odette frowned at him. The apartment gave off a warm bohemian vibe to it which she loved a lot. If anything, it was a testament to how well Elijah knew her.

"I love it,"

"I'm glad I was a little worried you wouldn't like it,"

"You did all of this yourself? With no help?" She asked in amazement.

"Yes, I did this all by myself, just for you." he beamed.

"You are amazing," Odette said as she settled into his lap, and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Tell me something I don't know," he quipped, and Odette rolled her eyes, and she rested her head on his shoulder. "I think it's time for a tour of the bedroom," he said as he carried Odette towards the bedroom. She gasped with surprise when she laid eyes on the plush queen-sized bed with an upholstered panel headboard. She had always wanted a bed like it but could not justify the cost.

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